I just noticed that I got my achievement of 7 on 7th on the 8th... In case you don't believe me, here is an image to prove it. And the link to my achievements to prove it. Has anyone else gotten this achievement on a different day?
Um... wow. I don't know what kind of fail this is... but if I had to guess I would say... LOGIC FAIL! Edit: Oh, well if Star is correct then TIME ZONE WIN!
yea man, it does that every month, i think it is because the time zones, like when the 7th is over for you, it isn't for someone else
lol omgwtfbbq thats a bungie fail but sometime if you start a game at like 11:55 and you play through 12:00 then its the 8th
I got mine in the 6th because I set my timezone to Tokyo (GMT -9). So yeah, t'was fun. I didn't realise that you didn't have to go into a game, all you had to do was select a playlist where you had 7exp. on the 7th of the month and BANG! 0GS for you!