He kinda looks transparent, which I like. This is really nice. I wish I took this. How did you get this, anyway?
Those horizontal lines are epic. The B&W effect makes it look awesome. The only thing that bothers me is the spartan's armor. I wouldn't have chosen Mark V for this shot. Maybe see if you can get a retake with a different armor. 4/5 for now.
On Avalanche, I put Pen & Ink on, made my forced color Black, went into the Man-Cannon cave, and stood on a ledge that's on the left side of the room (coming from the Splazer spawn.) Then, I threw a Flare, and in the first split second the Flare gets a little bright, it gives off a little bit of light and a sort of streamlined effect, which is what you see on the right side. I'm always wearing Mark V, so I rarely change armor. Is there any perm in particular you think would look better? A retake would be possible.
Dude this is sooo cool,it looks like you blurred it using GIMP.I for one to like those lines beside the spartan.I like the colors.And the whole image has the beastliest angle I have ever seen.Wow,this is so good that I came up with a new word,"Beastliest."Overall this is really great.Keep up all the good pics.
those lines are amazing. i love the lines. the armor looks fine to me. I like how the bottom of the spartan fades out but the top is good detail 4.5/5
Without Pen & Ink, the effect would probably change completely. The spot where this was taken is very dark with Pen & Ink on, but still visible when Juicy or Gloomy is on, so I don't think it'd be the same. I'll check it out later, though.
And Leeumm churns out ANOTHER amazing screenshot, ladies and gentlemen! Geezus, what is wrong with you? you come out with random, crazy wonderful shots, and im left standing in the dust... btw, it's obvious i love the effect
Thats a pretty sickk shot. How did you get the spartan to flow so much with the background? Great Job
dude this pic is awesome. nice name for it to cause it totally looks like the alien's point of view from the movie. nicely done and awesome reference.