I'm having a problem on a map I'm making where even after all the spawn points have been eliminated and my designated spawn areas are all set up, my players keep spawning outside the map. The map is a CTF variant in the Sandbox crypt, and my spawn areas are located inside the two bases. The problem is that players are not spawning inside the bases, or even inside the crypt. They're all still spawning up on the ground level of Sandbox, where there are no spawn points or areas left that would provide an explanation. I'm sure this isn't a new problem, but does anyone know how to make sure my players spawn ONLY where I've planned them to?
Have you changed the gametype to see if there are gametype specific spawn points somewhere that you are spawning on?
Yeah, I've double checked that it's on CTF and made sure to delete all the above-ground spawns, but it still keeps happening.
Did you set up starting points for each team in the CTF gametype though? And just to be safe, you might want to set them up in regular slayer too. I also remember having difficulties getting spawn areas to work, so I just stuck with spawn points.
Also if its not wanting to respawn or even just spawn on your points in the Crypt, you may have the default spawns covered by something. Like it sounds like its not accepting your spawn points and it doesn't have anywhere else to spawn at down there. Is the only time this happens is at the start of the game or does it do it in the middle of the game too?
The only thing that spawn areas do are determine tv team. You have to place spawn points inside the areas for it work. Bungie did this so you wouldn't have to press X a whole bunch to changed the team.
Alright well I think I've fixed it. Apparently I had to go through every gametype and delete every default spawn and objective point set up.