Phreakie, AmercanPsycho, and I would like to bring to you guys our first installment of BTB Shenanigans. Were you never know what's going to happen. BTB Shenanigans is a series produced and edited by Phreakie, AmercanPsycho, and I. We go into Big Team Battle with our group of people, and the whole time playing we are recording, so anything that happens is necessarily a surprise all the time. You never know what's going to happen. We then make a recap of the duration of us playing for others to enjoy. If you are wondering on how you can join or simply be in an episode please send a personal message to either Phreakie, AmercanPsycho, or me. Here is episode one of BTB Shenanigans.
Send one of us a PM if you want to join with your GT and we'll compile a list of who to invite next week.
Yeah, and new people every week so: Me You AGamer93 Xanon Sharp Roche Goatnutts420 That's seven, and we could have one more person join. Different every week?
haha best video ever. I'm so joining in on the next one. O btw I had a heap of fun playing in the sandbox party today. Sorry I had no mic it was out of bateries. I am FallFrost btw
LOL I subscribed to Phreakie, AmericanPsycho and Agamer93. They all uploaded the video on youtube. Anyways that Duck thing was hilarious. I've got an idea for the next episode, why not one of you guys or maybe even all play the Rick Roll song on their mics. That would be annoying. To make it more Barrack Roll!!!
that was so much fun with the elephants. We got to do this forever lol. Bt really excellent job on the editing Phreakie and Xanon that was so full of lols that i can't wait for the next one!
The is so WIN. One of the best funny matchmaking videos out there. If you ever have a spot open in a game, hit me up
Better yet, have a pair of banshee flying around the entire time, and when ever someone yells do a barrel roll, they flip
See the thing is, is that we don't stage our stuff. You never know what's going to happen. period But as from where I see it right now we will have seven stable members with a new guest every episode.
I'm going to be making next week's (or this week's second episode), and then Agamer93, Phreakie next, then me again. That's how our cycle goes.