Debate Cats or Dogs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nemihara, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. Kynaros

    Kynaros Ancient
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    You know what. I have a cat, and a ****ing dog. And both of them are ****ing awesome.

    Debate = Over
  2. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    My cats scare the **** out of me. My dogs make me feel safer at night.

    +1 epic point for dogs.
  3. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    ooh i am so scared you know you don't have to be such an ****ing douche bag you asshole!
  4. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    I think people's personality choose whether they're cat people or dog people.

    Lots of people say that cats scratch all the time, however I have never been scratched by one. Usually cats scratch because people jump at them too fast. The common household cat isn't a ferocious predator so you can imagine they wouldn't want things 10 times there size violently poking there hands at them. Also cats CAN smell fear, if you go near one shaking scared it will say "lul puny human" and rip your eyes out.

    Also cats are easier to keep. They wash themselves, don't eat much, they bury there crap (unlike the classic scoop ya poop with a plastic bag while it's still fresh and hold on to it until a bin appears situation) and they don't need constant attention and excersize. They don't do much but what they do, do is priceless.

    And the one thing that really puts dogs down is these things.
    These tiny little creatures that claim to be dogs, they are not dogs they are freaks of nature. FREAKS!!!!!
    #24 many popes, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  5. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    Please read the ****ing rules before you post in a literate forum. It's kind of hard to debate with someone who...

    A. Isn't on topic

    B. Writes like a moron

    This is the debate forum, not the OT.
  6. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Quoted for Truth

    Seriously, I love to exercise and play with my dogs, and they'll protect my house at night. But they're dirty and run up huge medical bills, and their breath smells like ****.

    I love my cat also, shes fun to play with, pet, and generally I want to squeeze her little heart out. But, she always brings dead animals to the doorstep, she once brought a dead bunny without a head to our back porch, and there's dead animals laying out there that I don't even know what the **** they are. My cat also scratches me, but only when I'm being really, really annoying to her.

    If left outside I do believe my cat would live longer than both my dogs put together.

    All in all, I can't really choose which one I like better, so I'm just gonna say the CatDog species.

    I really only like bigger dogs and short hair cats, though.

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