After you kill some of the flood on the last level Halo, do they respawn? Like is it smart to kill them all?
They do not respawn; its a bad plan to charge ahead assuming you'll run into less if you just run. Go slowly, kill one wave at a time. Camp. It might not be as exciting, but you won't die as much.
I r relly dun no. But seriously, I don't know. You may want to look it up on Bungie/Google/Booble. However, I'd suggest listening to Chedderboy.
Do you mean respawn as in "become re-infected"? If that is what you mean, then no. The only little infecty floods you see show up after you killed spark and if you shoot a tank form from far away (he'll cough out some little floodz) Kamakazi runs are not recommended. They all catch up to you when (and if) you reach the top.
If you take your time to kill them all, they dont come back. The problem is, depending on what skulls you have on, especially famine, its better said than done. Just conserve as much ammo as you can and get the beat downs and you should be able to progress through it rather quickly.
just go it slow, and you'll be fine. make sure to pick up a BR or carbine for easy headshots. and try to kill the arbiter at the beginning of the level, and drop your rockets down near him, so he will use them
they dont spawn itjust best for you to move and kill them like a line so that you wonthave anything coming behind you shooting you and killing you so they dont spawn just do the old slaughter method