Then don't get so insulted so easily. You're getting all worked up over a screenshot. Just embed the pics, and you'll be fine.
actually no this is my only sexual thing i have beside some things that some did that i thought was funny so i took a pic of it... i also have pics where i get splattered by a dropped elephant, me getting a scarab in the wall on accident, me on top of a scarab and me waving so im not like the people that draw porn on maps considering the only sexual things i have count up to 3 pics thats it ok?!?
I never accused all of your screen shots to be so, but with this, and your indecisive comments, one could assume that. Honestly, don't get worked up over people expressing their opinion, accompanied with them trying to help you. This won't do anymore then deter your reputation.
I don't see it. Only the true perverted people *COUPH* can find this perverted. Its just some sort of cool looking building. Nobody here is amused by this pic. They are simply stating the oviuos. Dont try and fight back to the truth.
but he's still a trainee... whaddya know? And 14 of his 15 posts are in his three screenshot posts... unless I counted wrong.
I will make a positive statement towards our new member. Yeah, I got it. It had me Lawling for a while, but I don't think Bungie did it intentionally. 4/5 for the find! Guys need to be nicer here. Gawd... Seriously, cut the dude a break, he's just a trainee. Lighten up guys!
This. Please guys, much as you may have an opinion to express (and no one is asking you not to do so), being nice isn't hard and presents a better image of FH as a whole. But to taco: Try not to let people not liking your pic or not finding it funny get to you. I know it can be annoying when you post something that you find interesting in good faith, but some people are always going to have negative comments about what you post. That's just the way of things I guess, some people like a given pic, some people don't, leave them to their opinions and enjoy your screenshot for yourself if only that. It doesn't give people the excuse to go getting even slightly aggressive or confrontational, but that works both ways, and arguing back only makes the situation worse. If you leave people to their opinions and are just happy with your own, things tend to go a lot more smoothly anyway, and you'll probably find people being more accomodating. As for the pic itself, as stated, it's nothing massively new, but that doesn't make it bad. I like a good "I broke Halo, lol" pic from time to time, and a little sexual undertone never goes amiss if you ask me. Sure this pic may not be something groundbreaking, but it's still interesting in it's own way. Let's just chill a little bit on both sides, ok guys? Worry about your own actions and conduct before laying in to others about theirs, and things tend to go a lot more smoothly.