You will all rage like you've never raged before.
I am starting to think this prick is a troll. If not then he needs to drop his balls, break his voice, and learn something before he starts talking about what is right and what is wrong; ESPECIALLY about gay views. Oh and lmfao on how he said "I used to be gay"
I cant believe that kid doesnt see that he's such an insiration to me. /sarcasm " I used to be gay..." lol hes retarded.
"I used to be gay, but now I like girls a LOT." My favorite is where he thinks /b/ worships Luke Skywalker as their 'pagan god'. Oh lawd.
The whole time when he was like "STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT, OR YOU"LL BE SORRY!" I was wondering why he's making threats when he can do absolutely nothing to those users. I might just go call him that on his youtube
How does gay marriage even relate to marring you hand. Looky what I found
"I used to be gay, now im very interested in girls(sounds really un-enthusiastic)" "It's like marrying your hand, imagine that." Marrying your hand is called fap =P imagine your first night together. Anywho, the don't call me a **** made me lol, it's like telling people to call you one. Edit: Jesus ****ing Christ at the self hurt one. Look for my comment (jacksonapplehoar). =D