Just bored, so i took some pics! Rate Freely! <<And for this bright one I want people to guess how i got this!http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Screenshots.aspx?player=Parkour%20Aero
I am pretty sure you did not take these, because, you said you were bored so you took these. Which implies that you recently took these. But my friend has had that first picture in his file share for about a year and a half now.
well, the first one was taken about 20000000000000 times... well, I dont really know how often, but a massive amount of people did this. so this is no real proof guy, but looking up the stats would be nice. guy who posted the shots, post a link to each one please, that prevents comments like this one.
About the first pic, it's been taken thousands of times now. Just PanCam Valhalla and go up into the sky. Anyways, most of the pics are really bright, which is good in some, but bad in others. The last one is, in my opinion, the best, even though it was probably the easiest.
I like the elite on the most, where he is disappearing into the light. I don't know how you got it though. Sorry.
Okay ive put a link to stop peoples crying happy? Also thanks to the other people who rated on it than hating on it