Debate Cats or Dogs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nemihara, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    No, this topic isn't asking you which one is more popular in your opinion. What this debate asks is to compare the two species based off of design, i.e. intelligence, physical traits, etc., and argue about which one is the superior species evolutionary-wise. Cite your information: don't do inane statements like "cats can hear better" without any real sources to back that up. Scientific studies on animals will help you out a lot here.
  2. CD95 v2

    CD95 v2 Ancient
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    dogs-blindly loyal, you get one and they wont except most.
    cats-hates any and everything.
    dogs-strong, good at defending your household, barks at anything that moves.
    cats-barely even hiss unless attacked.

    Winner: Dogs
  3. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Exluding lions, tigers, etc. I presume.

    As much as I don't like cats, they're probably the superior animal.
    Dogs are stupid, to put it bluntly but it's their beautiful innocence and undying loyalty that makes them what they are. Dogs may be stronger than household cats but as I said, dogs are stupid, mine ran away from a cat that hissed at him. Cats are like assassins; they lurk in the shadows and attack when you least suspect it.

    Dogs can be intuitive and learn certain routines. Cats can leave home for days on end and return completely unharmed, dogs(household dogs, not wild ones) would most likely struggle to fend for themselves.
  4. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Domestic cats beat domestic dogs any day.

    Wild Canines (Wolves, Hyenas...) beat wild Felines (lions, cougar, tigers...) any day.
  5. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    All you've specified is that dogs are more annoying. Which they are.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Cats are the superior race. Dogs are clumsy, loud and helpless without an owner. Whereas cats are faster, quieter and more agile.
  7. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    I would have to say dogs, I have one is fun, and don't hurt me like a cat does.
  8. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    I have 4 dogs, a puppy pitbull, Husky/Aketta, German Sherpeard/rateriolder, and a Chiwawwa, i dont care that i spelt it wrong but anyways i think dogs are becuase that are mans best friend and i believe they are. They are very smart, the more your dog is loved, the better it is.
  9. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    Okay, apparently people didn't get the memo.

    I'm not going to pull up actual scientific studies (too lazy, lol), but i'm going to try to use general knowlege type points as much as I can. I may link some studies into my post when I have more time.

    So, first I will argue that cats are superior in design with a physical feature. The average cat is most likely faster than the average house dog. Granted, some dogs, like Great dames, any shepherd breed, or a well trained retriever, will be able to outrun some cats. But if you take any average dog, say a pit bull, it would have no chance in hell of catching the cat by it's self. Which brings me to my next point. One advantage dogs have is their ability to work in groups. However, this isn't as useful as it seems. By working in packs, dogs have a harder time finding enough food fo the pack, and individual needs can cause pack destroying feuds. So in essence, the pack can actually be worse in the evolutionary track than the solo hunter mentality of cats. My third point is an area were cats are unarguably better than dogs. Cats have some of the best eyesight in common house animals. Cats can see in the dark, and can see much farther than the average human! Dogs meanwhile, have terrible eyesight, and see in grayscale. In an evolutionary sense, this is absoultley catastrophic. Eyesight is one of the most importent parts of the hunter/hunted arms race. Without being able to see your enemy, they have already one. Another reason cats are superior to dogs in a evolutionary sense is their hearing. Chances are, your cat heard that car pulling into your driveway before your dog relized it. Cats have unbelavable hearing, which dogs simply cannot match. Many people seem to argue that one thing dogs have going for them is their feirce loyalty. I disagree, because dogs are not always loyal, and cats, when treated well, can be just as loyal. Take my cat fo instance, when she was not even a year old, we decided to let her go outdoors. Now, I treat my cat very well; I feed her as much as she can eat, I change her water often, I give her a rubdown every day, and I give her catnip when shes good. My cat in turn, is loyal enough to come home everyday, no matter were she goes at night. She also gets deffensive around me when others are becoming overly violent. My dogs however, who I might add are equally treated, almost never care about me except when they beg for table scraps. Now, it may not be that way with all dogs, but I recognize that under the right circumstances cats can surpass dogs as man's best friend. Now for my last point, cats are superior in the area of stealth. Catskill their prey by stalking in the shadows. This is a major evolutionary advantage because a cat's prey doesn't even have a chance to relize it's being hunted. Dogs, on the other hand, are like tanks. Dogs try to chase their prey in open daylight with the use of pack. Dogs have a very low chance of the kill actually happening however, unlike the high percentege of succesful hunts by a cat. So, in conclusion, cats are evolutionarly superior to dogs in almost every way, love them or hate them.

    Also, turn you damn sigs off!
  10. ZgreenZ

    ZgreenZ Ancient
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    Dogs are more useful to the human race due to physical stature and willingness to learn, but in the wild, cats are masters of stealth, and are superior.
  11. Dragondude

    Dragondude Ancient
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    Cats are more self-sufficient than dogs. Dogs, however, are a more social animal, thus, they can deal with different problems better than cats. Cats also apply a sort of strategy to combat/play. Example: I had a string and was walking around with it. I was going in circles and the cat anticipated that I would be going around again and headed closer and waited until it came by to pounce.

    Winner: Cats
    #11 Dragondude, Mar 23, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  12. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    This is wrong. Dogs are a much more efficient hunter, as said in this Source. The way to survive in the wild is to conserve the most amount of energy while hunting prey.

    I differ on you in the issue of pack and solo hunting. The more successful dog packs control a much larger territory because there's not much competition which allows for a larger food source. Of course if food is scarce, there will be pack feuds, but the same can be said about cats. If a food source is low, a cat could starve to death, and a pack of dogs could sacrifice the weakest member to keep the pack alive.

    You can't say cats are faster than dogs, because both run in different ways. Cats stalk their prey, so they need to have a fast acceleration to pounce on their prey whereas dogs use brute force and try to rundown their prey.

    This is Absolutely Wrong. Eyesight is one of the most deceptive senses we can have as animals. Hearing and Smelling are much more reliable senses because when you are in a forest (the typical habitat for a cat or dog), it is very hard to see your prey through all the bushes and leaves, while hearing or smelling something has no barriers. It doesn't matter if your prey is behind a tree, a dog can still smell that animal and run after it.

    My dog does the same thing. When it is hot outside, my dog digs a hole by a tree in my backyard and lays in it to stay cool. When my dog chews on bones, he uses his paw to grip the bone better and eat it more efficiently.
    I have 1 dog and 2 cats and I'm going to have to go with dogs as the better evolutionary animal from these points:
    Dogs spend less energy when hunting.
    Dogs can smell at a much longer range. Source
    The pack hunting of dogs helps the group survive longer than the lone cat.

    But I doubt cats and dogs compete for the same food source, this is like comparing tigers to mice.
    #12 P3P5I, Mar 23, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  13. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    In domestic homes cats are a pain in the rear. Why- because they dont do anything, they provide little or no protection, if you come home from work would you want a pet that would be happy to see you and let you pet them. Cats serve no purpose what so ever exept in the wild. Lions, Tigers, and Pumas, are more developed than Wolves, Cyotes and more.
  14. oDannyKellyo

    oDannyKellyo Ancient
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    Dogs are cuter. Cats always scratch and screech.
  15. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    It depends on the breed. For example, and Newfoundland is probably more likely to survive if left by itself than say, a Chihuahua or a Corgi. (I LOVE Corgis!!!) Big dogs can be very fast and vicious, whereas cats are small overall. Even though cats can be stealthy and quiet, etc. They just can't get as much food as a dog. They do beat dogs in the smell department, though.
  16. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    It depends on the animal, first of all. My argument is from the standpoint of common house pets, let's say a young-mid age cat and a young-mid age golden retriever. Now, if your cat is an outdoor cat, chances are it can survive in the wild, by itself indefinitely. The dog however, will most likely require a pack to take them in(which is extremely unlikely) or they won't get enough to eat. This shows that in an evolutionary sense, cats have a higher overall survivability from the get go than dogs; and are therefore better natural hunters.

    Now this is were I really think your wrong. You point out yourself that only the most successful packs control much larger territory's. Territory's themselves are also a problem when food is scarce. Cats show better evolutionary development in this sense because they have the ability to move from one territory to another much easier than a dog can. Dogs also have to compete for territory with other packs, were as cats can survive on much smaller plots of land and don't have to compete as often with other cats; they are on the move more often and don't have ti compete.

    Well, let's say our common house cat and dog race each other. Initially, and for the majority of the race, the cat will run faster. In the long run, the dog has more stamina and can run for longer, but the cat will utimatley run faster than the dog ever will. Therefore my statement is correct, cats are faster, they just can't run as long; you are also partly right.

    Do I seriously need to go into this? The most probable explanation for the evolution of eyesight is hunting, so you can't even argue this. Look at a cat, a dog, or even yourself, and tell me where the eyes are. There in the front because it helps hunters to avoid obstacles and see their prey during a chase. Eyesight is key to hunting because of this. No matter how good your sense of smell is or how well you can hear things; you wouldn't be able to run through a dense forest, along a mountain clifftop, or across a rugged savanna without eyesight. I'm not saying smell or noise is unimportant, but eyesight is the go to sense for hunters, and you can't say otherwise.

    True, but do they get as much food per individual as a cat?

    Also true, but there are other ways to find prey.

    Overall, two evolutionary advantages that don't really mean much isn't enough to really prove that dogs are better in an evolutionary sense.
    #16 Actually cool, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  17. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Lol, dogs are pretty ****. They can guard your home and are loyel and good pets, but cats are very good hunters. Dogs are more useful to humans, but in the wild cats would reign supreme (but not over digs though)
  18. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    explain wolves, foxes and cyotes

    they are all dogs or maybe not the foxes but still they are aggressive and could probably rip your f-ing face of and cat's are afraid of dogs and they can be stealthy in the night and the can sniff anything out like drugs or bad people or who ever and they aren't clumsy and not helpless without an owner and who gives a **** if cats are fast domestic cats cant do **** and dogs are suppose to be loud cause they are warning their owners of danger so their owners or masters whichever one you prefer can be aware and the dogs will probably kick the burglers ass so yeah i think i made my point dogs are the superior ones and oooo i am so afraid of a cat cause its going to cough up a furball on me and whatelse can it do scratch me when i can just squirt it with water and it will be scared as hell and dogs can swim there i have made my point. Dogs are better
  19. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I think I would be more afraid of a lion than a fox.

    The whole debate is personal opinion, which is sort of idiotic IMO for a debate.

    <3 cats
  20. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    I'm not even going to tear this idiotic post apart it's so bad.

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