ideaz needed Im tired of all the old switches. Like bridges and doors and walls. Thats old news. I need a new idea for a switch cuz right now im workin on this sweet 2v2 map and im sorta lookin for sumthin to do in the meantime when im not makin my map. I just love the idea of switches and both of the ones that ive made and posted ive used on a map that ive made. I was thinking of another bridge but, well youll see when its done. I need some ideas though so please if u have any ideas then please post sumthin and ill get right on it.Thanx alot guys and please comment it is highly appreciated. My switch maps Door switch and new and improved bridge
Well heres an idea for a switch based map. Have you ever played Counter Strike Source? Well if you have it look for 'deathrun' maps, basically they are map where there is 1 guy in a room - zombie, and the rest are outside on a course. The guy in the room has to press the switches wich kill the guys on the course, such as pressing a button that brakes part of the floor and kills whoever is on it. It is really fun, I thougt you could try make a map like this, infact I'm sure other people will. Here is a video of 1 of them maps Deathrun Map
if you want to see a section for switches, go to google and look up H3 artificers. basically theyre like forgehub but specialise in switches.