PHYSCO MAP PACK The map which are included her are the first three maps that i posted to forgehub The Shipment DOWNLOAD The Shipment was the first map that I posted to forgehub. This map was created before I knew how merge objects it works with Slayer Original thread PICS Over shield catwalks shotgun Overall view 1 Overall view 2 Tremor and mouse DOWNLOAD This map was actually created a month or two after The Shipment Most people will recognize the name of this map but it is made by me.I didn't get much pictures of this map. It works with Tremor n mouse variant Original thread PICS Overall view Cannon man OBSTRUCTION V2 Obstruction V1 didn't go so well so I had to create a V2. Much more people noticed it then. It was my most thought into map. Original thread DOWNLOAD PICS Middle view from bottom Middle view from top alpha base view 1 alpha base view 2 Alpha tunnel Brave base view 1 Bravo base view 2 Bravo tunnel Thanks for looking at it
thats not a map pack, its just a regurgitation of what looks like a failed map that you didnt try to fix...
How is this a map pack? You took one screenshot about a map thats not even interlocked, you didn't go back to interlock, only one map, and theres no download link. 0/5 you=fail
Ya so.... I can't say I like or dislike it yet until I downlaod these maps. I will let you know what I think.
looks googd but in one of your pictures you had a picture of you in a chopper. I think that you should take the chopper off the map bacause the map isnt big enough for that kind of vehicle.
Wow you guys are bashing the poor fellow pretty hard. I'm pretty sure that we could all agree that he is just trying to get some more attention on the threads by reposting his maps but come on, he went through at least a bit of effort to make this.
i have to say I like the fact that you took the time to make these maps, pretty effectively effort grade: 84