Legendary DLC Hallway 2.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by NOKYARD, Apr 4, 2009.


    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hallway 2.0


    First off, this was not originally my project. I was invited into a build by my good friend Scet Shin. He was having difficulties blocking off the back corridor of Foundry so i volunteered my services and embedded the A and B signs into the floor and ceiling. Afterward, he asked me to play a game on the map to give it a test and he invited 2 friends. 5 seconds into the game i knew he had a winner on his hands, i have never had so much fun playing such a simple, yet extremely intense game. In fact it was so much fun i decided to build 8 more hallways, each with their own unique characteristics and features.


    (For the record, Scet Shin and i have no idea where this game originated from. A thorough search of Bnet and Forgehub revealed not even a clue. If anyone knows who the original creator of this game is, please PM me and i will replace this paragraph with proper thanks and credit)

    Hallway - The Game

    Hallway is an extremely simple 2v2 or 3v3 Snipers/2 Flag game. In fact, you do not even need to explain the rules in the lobby. You just grab 3 friends, start the game, and instinct takes over from there. The maps are 99.9% unbreakable and no honour rules are required. Scoring is 5 points for 2v2, but should be reduced to 3 points for 3v3. (4v4 is possible on the open maps Stand UP, Stand Down and Dark Corridor)

    NOTE: All maps have been set up for CTF, Assault and Neutral Assault (Grifball!), Slayer and King of the Hill. Click on the Map name to download, Click on any pic for a slide show.

    Hallway: fallway
    Fallway on Avalanche was built by the Forerunners for Scet Shin.


    The first of the expanded set. I decided to use only Forerunner pieces for this build to keep the map clean looking and functional. Notice how the entire second level is floating.


    Hallway: Stand Down
    Let's get in one more game before this thing collapses.


    This is the fan favourite. We have played several dozen matches here and it never gets tiring. This location was selected as much for it's proximity to the death volume, as it was for the outstanding view.


    Hallway: Tympanum
    The triangular map with the grenade gutter. Watch out for the ricochet.


    The Forgers favourite. This structure, made with stairs and double boxes on a timer, practically built itself. Your Sniper shots can ricochet several times before hitting their target.


    Hallway: Haunted Hallway
    The afterlife should be this much fun.


    This is my personal favourite. The map looks rough and chaotic, yet is built to exacting standards. The walls and game elements are perfectly placed. The central 'closets' meet in exactly in the middle of the hallway. All maps have some form of cover at the halfway point. Each is unique in construction and playability.


    Hallway: Dark Corridor
    ¨Wow, this combines the joy of killing with my fear of heights!¨ pxr


    Built in the Blackout skybubble, this one takes a few seconds to get used to due to the low light level. But once your eyes adjust, this map is a blast to play on. This one has 3 different forms of cover at the center, including descending stairs which most people do not notice at first. All maps feature very creative use of hill markers. If you play KotH, set the hills to 10 seconds and sequential.


    Hallway: Hallway 2.0
    The original Hallway Map (i think). Built by Scet Shin & NOKYARD.


    As far as i know this was built from the original, then cleaned up and improved using more advanced Forging techniques.


    Hallway: Stand Up
    Hey look, a floating bridge. Wait a second EVERYTHING is floating!


    A re-worked version of Stand Down where you have to actually aim your Sniper Rifle. Strategic use of your 2 Grenades is very important on this map.


    Hallway: Steam Pipe
    Do NOT touch the steam pipe, it is HOT!


    Built outside the Tympanum map, this map features 'stacked' spawns instead of rows of spawns on the ground. If you jump while you progress to the flag you will not be killed by the steam pipe.


    Hallway: Habitrail
    Get it? The tubes rats run through. Oh nevermind, just go shoot stuff.


    Although built on Rat's Nest you would never know it for this map is completely enclosed in open doubles.
    (Not recommended for 3v3)

  2. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Wow these are INSANE! The aesthetics in most of them are just amazing. Usually when people make maps like this they just make a boring straight hallway but you these are so much more creative. I love the sideways flag setup, and the first one on standoff? The fence boxes that go up and around add so much more to the look and feel of the map. I think my favorite though is the triangle hallway. Great work, and I can't wait to download and play later.
    #2 lefty0904, Apr 4, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2009
  3. Wailingjam

    Wailingjam Ancient
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    Sweet maps, like the hallway theme you have there, and the ideas are some what different for each one and the gameplay as well seems to be different. I see that you have some great interlocking and the layout of the maps seem great. Great Job!
  4. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
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    Wow, this is a great map pack. My favorite from the pics is definitely stand down just because it looks cool to see the crane holding the level. So you designed it to be used with snipers. Very interesting. Usually maps like these feature every weapon in one spot ruining any potential of the map. One problem I see is that couldn't someone spawn camp people in slayer or CTF by standing behind the spawn points. I don't know, I will download a few of them and get some good games going. How do we set up the capture the flags map. Do you just spawn people with a sniper and then it is fine. Right now I give this map pack a 4.5/5 but that could change depending on the way gameplay goes.
  5. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Woah this is amazing I do not get the gametype though, is it like Capture the Flag Snipers? or a KotH... Anyway I like all them except the one outside foundry, it seems to small and the best is definately the Ghosttown one. GJ on all of these and on the Aesthetics

    Edit: NM I misread it says if you set it to KotH ^^
  6. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Hallway maps are my favorite kind. These are indeed amazing and INSANE. Flawless asthetics = win. But the foundry one is kinda pee-shaw other than that, You have my downloads.

    EDIT: Foundry regular Hall is pee-shaw not the tee-pee looking one lol.

    #6 Scopulus, Apr 4, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2009
  7. Scet Shin

    Scet Shin Ancient
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    I'm really glad you all enjoy the game type! Like Nokyard said, I'm not much of a Forger... Just had the original map made in the back of Foundry. Anyone could have forged that and I am a prime example. Haha. But yeah, I really appreciate Nokyard putting this up and making some maps. He had most of the ideas but I can't deny I had a few. But yeah, if Nokyard has got the time, whenever I get the Mythic maps, I've got lots of good ideas!

    The CTF variant was created by me with all the different settings. However, Nokyard added the KotH variant which can be very fun depending on the map you play it on. Personal favorite KotH, Ghosttown map... :) But yeah, please leave some feedback, I love that Nokyard put this up on here!

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i only use interlocking where absolutely necessary - for the floating doubles i was more interested in perfectly aligning them - if they were interlocked it would throw the measurements off

    the other game types also have interesting layouts, and be sure to at least look at the different hill markers in a custom game

    yes, but what is holding the crane?

    as per Grifball: spawn camping is a legitimate and totally awesome strategy - i placed around 18 to 24 spawns per side (for 2 players) and used 'flag at home' and 'flag away' spawn areas, so spawn camping is only an issue until the enemy has to re-load - when the enemy grabs the flag you spawn further up so you have just enough time to turn and defend - you will also find that a good smack is more effective than trying to snipe at point blank range

    nothing to set up - download the game variant and play it on all 9 maps - you spawn with only a sniper and 2 grenades (weapon and grenade pickup is turned off)

    i had other game types set up but found people always came back to the CTF version - there is something very satisfying about getting a double kill with your first shot of the game - people also disagreed on what weapons to use for other game types (no weapons on these maps) so i just placed the game elements for the other games and let the party leaders be free to decide the weapon mix to suit their intended audience
  9. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    The only unique one is the triangle one the rest i have seen other varients of . I say this is about average because its not very hard making hallways lol and you made alot of them and at least u put this in a map pack instead of spaming a million of them. lol So yeah the triangle one is the only one im gonna play the rest could be done better and on different maps. I do like that one though and its playable but could use a little mor cover for each teams spawns.
    #9 Eyeless Sid, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  10. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    which one is yor favorite, of all of them? I'm really low on memory °_°

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Haunted and Stand Down are my personal favourites, but Dark Corridor is very fun as well and is slightly better at the alt game types

    could you back your claim up with links? i would love to see another hallway map built on Ghost Town

    you can always tell the critics who have not tried your maps - it is so obvious when they make uninformed and conflicting statements - i expected most hard-core forgers to be drawn to the Foundry map, it is a good choice but please at least look at some of the other maps before criticizing them - you really can't get a good impression from the pics

    the point i am trying to make here is that these are an extremely fun games played in unique environments - no one needs to download all 9, just the ones that spike you personal tastes, then add them to your repertoire on customs night

    i actually cut 3 maps from the list because they were not up to my own standards, and they lacked the 'Wow' factor
    #11 NOKYARD, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  12. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
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    A very nice map pack, I will download one as I am low on custom content.

    I think the Blackout and Standoff ones look best although the triangle one is also very good looking.
    Also I would like to see these variants as well Eyeless Sid, although I would actually imagine these are the originals.
    #12 Kalriq, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    although Blackout is a very fun map to play on due to the additional strategies involved, there is no kill volume on the weather platform side - if you fall it takes several seconds to land in the water and die, which seems like forever in this game type

    Stand Down is built just inches above the kill volume so you can recover faster, and the floating flag plants greatly add to the fun due to the fact that you must leap to your death to score
  14. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Do i really have to find links for old conquest maps to prove that the only orriginal one you have is the traingle one? You made it You should have done some research to see if they had already been done before and done better :p. Some play well for hallway maps but building a hallway isnt lets say "difficult" I think the gametypes and hill varrients are fine but the maps them selves dont make me as a player say "wow" or hey thats never been done before when they have. Use the search bar and type in key words like "tunnel" "conquest" or "hallway" or something along those lines and see for yourself a few of the results most likely you'll find some that are similar to your map pack.I checked for myself and found over 10 pages of results so........ yaaa lol I do like the traingle one though its unique and fun just the rest arent worth a space in our limited 100 content limit. <IMO this is my opinion not saying fact just making that clear
    #14 Eyeless Sid, Apr 6, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    thanks for clearing that up - i would have never thought of checking for "conquest" type maps in my search
  16. Shadow8P

    Shadow8P Ancient
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    I tried these maps back when his son Raigns showed me them. Great maps, but we only ever got to play them 2v1, and I was always the 1. If we could get a 2v2 going, I'm sure craziness would ensue.

  17. Shadow8P

    Shadow8P Ancient
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  18. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    3,2,1 DL

    theese are amazing dude,
    cant wait to play them, are snipers the only weapon that really work?

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i would never be so restrictive with my maps

    you can use what ever weapons you want to use, but we find Snipers to be the most satisfying

    we also found BR's or Shotties to be good for KoTH, and BR's or AR's good for Slayer and Assault

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