Preview of "Sandy Relic"

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SWEETbabyJEEZUS, Apr 5, 2009.


    SWEETbabyJEEZUS Ancient
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    [FONT=&quot]Ok so this is my new map that I am working on. I have been working on this by myself so fare and all the pictures that you will see are just pictures of me forging on the map and the map is nothing close to being done and since I am a little lazy I might let my friend help me finish off the map his Gamertag is "god4", but this doesn't mean that I am going to let him help me. I just might finish the whole map by myself like I planned to.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]The pictures that you are about to see are preview pictures of my new map "Sandy Relic". Now if you noticed in the name it says "relic". If you played halo 2 then you would have known how the relic map is very big and is on an island, but in this map it is not going to be in the sky bubble so that when you fall off the map you'll die like in halo 2 when you fell into the ocean. The map is on the main level of Sandbox. I would say that 80%+ would be interlocked in some kind of way. I have the full tower base that made the map so good for objective based games. Also I didn't forget about the huge skyscraper part of the map where no one could get to on the front of the base. so i am going to how you a picture of the original relic, then mine and I would like you to go to the poll up top and tell me if my map is a really good recreation of the map.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Original Relic[/FONT]


    My Sandy Relic[/FONT]​




    Please remember that i am still making the map and i would say that i am 50% done so you have to wait a little bit longer to play this map. Just in case you ask, i will be trying to make this playable. I will be putting the original weapons down where they are supposed to be. But if i his the maps object limit then this will be an aesthetic map unfortunately, but i thing i can make it a competitive map where it is able to be played.

    I will be posting the map on another thread when i finish it. When i am uploading the new map i will delete this thread or put the new link to the forgehub link of the map.
    #1 SWEETbabyJEEZUS, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  2. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
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    I am sorry, but this is not the place for this map. This section is for completed maps only. This should be moved to the map discussion blog section were people view your unfinished maps and say what they think like and dislike. If you want to keep this in this section all you would need was a download link and a decent description of the map. Contact a mod to get them to move it.
  3. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    Well I remember relic having death cliffs arond it but making floors in the sky bubble would have been wasteful. I am looking frward to the finished product. But maybe you could have used some otherobject for he pillar t give it more "guts" I'll definitely dl when you come out with this.
  4. M1:K3

    M1:K3 Ancient
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    yeah are you gonna make the lil snipe tower??
    it would be cool if you did, you could use a grav lift to shoot you up there.
    how are you gonna make the human base?? i would like to see how you plan on doing that :).. its cool how you can put the bunkers and turets..
    i think its gonna be hard to make the stone arch thing (do you know what im talking about?)
    like my runon senteces
    lol ill be looking fwd. on seeing what ull do here
    keep up the good work man>>
  5. Royal Bloodbath

    Royal Bloodbath Ancient
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    i dont think your expose to post here unless its done but I think the map your makeing is not for sand box i guess you could do a remake but its not going to be that great i will still down load itif you do just because that tower is cool but thats it
  6. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    I believe he already knows that fact. The mods have been notified and this thread will be moved to forge discussion shortly. If you are going to say things:
    you should explain your reasoning to them.
  7. god4

    god4 Ancient
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    it looks really good so far...
    but when you said 50% done you were joking right?
    cuz when i get the maps and forge on this with you, this will only be likkee 20% done!
  8. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    You need those lasers blocked off, and you're going to have to do some serious geo-merging to remake all of those rocks. Also, you are planning to make the sniper platform, right?

    I look forward to it, since the main structure looks good so far.
  9. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Dude This Map Is Going To Look Awsome. A remake of Relic Is totally what Forgehub might want to glance at. I Am Totally Downloading This When It Comes Out.

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