i'd make a new thing that i like to call the BTC (big team campaign.) you'd have a large team of people(not 18 i supose) that would play a new campaign map. then you could go into forge and set the spawns for all the enenmy units.EX) you could place 6 scarabs but give the humans 8 hornets. you could make a wave of 100 grunts and brutes, but only give the humans a machine gun turret and a few supplies.
I would make a Halo Classics map pack and have some remakes of the the best multiplayer maps from Halo:CE and Halo 2. It would have to have things like Blood Gulch, Headlong and Beaver Creek!
if i could make a new map pack it wouldbe onyx because of the planet onyx when you beat halo 3 on legendary the planet in the background i think is onyx i would base the maps off of onyx so there would be a whole new typeof enviornment.
I would want Elongation and Headlong back. Or at least some thing close to it. Maybe even a beaver creek remake while they're at it=)
An urban map with a new version of elephants. It would be awesome. It's like the red team blew a bridge over a street that was major choke point and path to the flag and the elephant rolls along and positions itself on the street so the blue team can use it as a bridge. I also want a medium to large body of water that is shallow so you cross it on at least one map. The map pack name would be...Urban Map Pack! (so original)
i have wanted bungie to make a water based map, i think they should make a waterhog. they could use this on a map i thought of. there are two islands and you need to capture the enemy flag. i get in my water hog( the water hog should have all three variants for it. troop carier, gauss, and chaingun). the waterhog is a warthog that has the water barrels from ghost town strapped to it so it can float. i would also like to make an armored warthog/elephant mix. it would be called the rhino. the rhino would take 2 Spartan laser shots and can carry 5 people. there are two chaingins on it. there isn't a flag spawn on it, but it can spawn troops. im making a new thread for vehicle variants.
I would create a map pack named "Flashback" (Original, INORITE!?) that would inlude Headlong, Coagulation, Boarding Action, Ascension, Sanctuary, Turf, Tombstone, and Death Island. There would be no major changes, but graphics. None of that crap that was removed from Sidewinder, just keep them the way they are. It would be major lulz if a map pack included that many maps!
i would bring back headlong, relic, midship, and elongation because those where my favorite maps and they where the best ones. Theres one more but i forgot the name of, it was used for big team n it had stalagtites that you could shoot and they would break off the cealing and break when they hit the ground and they where huge.
oh yeah! i loved that cave map. it would be cool if they'd let you make the stalagtites/stalagmites for cover. and you could actualy put the stalagtites on the cealing BTW wats death island? is it the one i mentioned?
i'd make the jungle pack. the maps would all be in Newmombasa like in the first level of campaign. there would be a big river sperating two bases. you could actualy go across the river in on a pallet or anothre floatable object.