Care to explain why you think it is so super fantastical?I love it.I think it looks scary because of the effects you put on there.Good job.
Where was that taken? I really like it. I suck at weapon art so I'd never be able to do anything like that.
Thats sick now you just need to take multiple pictures and make it appear as if the the spider was rotating and getting smaller with every rotation 0.o
haha no chance this one took me about 9 hours, i'm working on a hornet (insect) but its giving me a right brain ace :/
Wow, this screenshot is like really amazing. The spider looks really scary and the effect looks awesome. The nine hours must have been worth it because this screenshot is awesome.
This looks great, seriously. But there are two thing that ruin it (only a bit, dont worry). A) The second leg from the left. You can easily see that the sniper has the same size, destroying the 3D effect. B) the needlers' shape suck. You could have done this waaay better. It still looks awesome, but come on. Partly they are "in front" of the legs! Change that, and your screenshot will haz 5/5+super amount of downloads!
Wow that is really amazing. Where did you make that? And I love how it looks so big big even though it is only made of weapons. Great Job 10/10
it does have a few flaws i may look into them then do another shot, it was made on cold storage. thanks
Sweet screenshot!!! It looks amazing and if you weren't looking at it closely you might not notice what it is made of.
They're both incredible. When I saw the first one, it sudddenly reminded me of a brute chieftain. Looks a lot like one IMO. Is the last one suppose to be a spider? Because they have 8 legs, not 6, but it's still a great picture. Where did you make the bug anyways? Under narrows?
Wow these are both really cool. I like the first one better because it just looks badass with the fire and whatnot but they are both really well done.
Wow. This has got to be some of the best Weapon art screens I've seen in a long time. The second would have to be my favorite. I love the positioning of the spider. To bad you necro-posted.