Alright i was watching a video and i realized i could make a funny gif outta it, it repeats itself perfectly and I just don't know how to make that youtube video into a gif. ( only apart of the video ) if anyone has any experience with this to help me that would be awesome. BTW if searched for tutorials on google + youtube and other sites.
Only way I know, the way I've been doing it, was getting each frame individually and saving the images. And that sucks.
You see, i have the frames need to make the gif, but i don't know how to make them into the actual gif.
in photoshop, theres a way to animate things, just by setting it so that each frame comes after another.. idk how to do it though.. ask Reaper of Bunny about it
No thanks. I don't pay like $300 for a program i'll use every other time. I use gimp/mspaint . So if any gimp pros on FH, which i know exist, have any help, go ahead and help please.
I can pwn you both. KeepVid: Download and save any video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, iFilm and more! -> Download your YouTube Video - create animated gifs online from video or pictures for free -> Upload your video to this online utility and it'll automatically make your gif for you. No photoshop, no gif, no saving each image, or anything. Short and sweet. I can haz cookie? =D
Gimp isn't hard at all. It's also free, and you don't have to crappify your image compression for the site. You can specify the time between frames in milliseconds. I think downloading GIMP is useful enough just to do that.
Why Dont you delete thread That website makes it for you. I done it, Obviously hes done it, why dont you do it and be happy and no you cant have a cookie > IM EVIL