All Out

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Swipeshotx, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. Swipeshotx

    Swipeshotx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Download Link----

    All Out is a somewhat small map thats is based off of the middle hallway that has a jump up to br and shotgun---on the left hallways or behind br there is drop to hammer and a tunnel leading to the fence wall catwalk/tunnel on other side--which is a tunnel underneath and a walkway on top and has a 4 way intersection

    Game Types
    -Team Slayer
    -other gametypes have not been set yet..

    Weapons on Map
    Battle Rifle-2
    Plasma Rifle-2
    Frag nade-8
    Plasma nade-6
    Spike nade-2

    Equipment on Map
    Grav Lift-1
    Bubble Shield-1

    Overview A

    Overview B

    Shotgun Spawn

    Middle hallway

    Hammer spawn

    Fence Wall walk/tunnel

    Defender spawn

    Attacker spawn

    4 way intersection
  2. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Looks really well done. More interlocking would have made a smoother appearance and added more polish. The Grav Hammer seems like it could easily over power everything in this map. And also the Grav Lift looks like it could boost you on top of everything making it easy to kill people.
  3. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    I am fairly sure that the map would be really easy to grenade jump out of all the walls seem fairly low down you could also easily use a grave lift to boost yourself out I suggest you thoroughly test a map before releasing it to the public.

    I like your use of interlocking but it could have been done more in certain areas of the map. And if I were you I would be a bit more wary before putting a Hammer on the map as it can easily overpower other weapons.
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I don't think the hammer can be too overpowering...there are long narrow hallways and it looks like there is a decent line of site. I think it could work well for this map.
  5. whitelime

    whitelime Ancient
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    I reckon the map looks preety good though like they said it looks easy to get out. I think that the hammer would work well on the map if there are enough hallways and you have put in enough grenades to counter the hammer. i do like your use of interlocking though in some pics i can see that you didnt think it was necessary. In overview b what is with the bottom level you have flipped and interlocked 3 out of the four boxes why?

    ill d/l and get back to ya.
  6. Swipeshotx

    Swipeshotx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    On the overview B if u look at the defender spawn there is space between the walls and i didnt interlock the boxes it might have been the angle i took the screenshot ...srry for the confusion there....and about the hammer the reason i used the hammer was because of the long hallsways so its kind of like any other map if ur turnin a corner and they have hammer doesnt matter u lose most likey...just gives u a view and time even if they have hammer...

    Now also i have changed the grenade count i have added 2 more plasma and frag.
    so a total of 8 frag an 6 plasma now

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