Cynosure v3 - Updated Since Feature UPDATED SINCE FEATURE AND MLG MAP PACK! Download Map Here Flythrough of the map: Cynosure Flythrough Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game Room@@AMEPARAM@@ Cynosure is an asymmetrical map forged in the skybubble of Sandbox. It features many different elevations, multiple power positions, and a few power weapons to ensure that gameplay is fast paced, balanced, and fun. The map has two towers, Red and Blue, with two side areas to each tower. The map currently supports slayer and hill. Weapons: BRs - Various BRs spread throughout the map Carbines - 2 Carbines at the map. One at blue 2 and the other at top red. Sniper - 1 at top blue. (2:30 drop spawn) Rockets - 1 at top mid. Does not spawn at start. (3:00 drop spawn) OS - 1 at bottom red. (2:00 respawn) Plasmas - 6 on map. 2 at redspawn, 2 at plat, 2 in between blue and red walkways. Screenshots: Overview: First Hill/Bottom Middle: 2nd Hill/Red Courtyard: 3rd Hill/Blue Plat: Blue Tower/Sniper Spawn: Red Tower/OS Spawn: Awesome Sig by Nexn:
I think that it looks really fun, albeit a bit open, but for most of it, it's a pretty solid map. However, to improve aesthetics, maybe add a railing around the open sides, near the edge of the map. But I quite like the map, so 7.5/10.
wow id enjoy slayer more then king but this map is rlly cool i love a lot of these skybox maps coming out... i mean have u seen island? its sweet as well. im so glad its not another one with gravity hammer. for everyone reading this "its no longer fun" .... what about clip sizes?respawn times? i really like to know these things
I will add them just for you. And this map supports slayer, ball and king. Also, the map is less open than it seems from the screenshots. The subtle height differences do wonders for gameplay and cover.
It does look a bit open, as stated above. BUT it looks very awesome as well. I will check up at a later date after i see it in game... EDIT: uh the DL link isn't working for me.
good looking map, its unfortunate that you have to spend sooo much money on making the floor, correct me if im wrong, but i think i saw some spots where u used just large blocks on the floor where u could use double blocks or even double walls, just a suggestion to help with the item limit, but it looks like you spent some time on this, so nice job, i will deffinently be downloading
nice map pulse, hopefully i get a working mic soon so i have some motivation to actually play halo and can get some games on the map. I have been looking for some nice ball maps to test the 10sec reset out on the skybubble since i thought of it a while back and i guess others thought if it as well. I cant really tell how big it is though and im wondering how the snipe, rocks, and OS will work with gameplay
This seems like a great map. Very open and not too much cover. And BASIC nothing too confusing. Dloading now Your links be dead... MAP-Link Gametype-Link
Ok... links fixed. Sorry about that. I copied it over from MLGpro, and it it must have gotten messed up. And about the cover issue, please play the map before saying it is open. It is definitely not too open as the map itself provides to cover. Please atleast do a forge-through before commenting on the cover.
Pulse, the map plays awesome. I cant wait for the completed product, as it will be nearly impossible to dissapoint. Lets get some games in tomorrow
I checked this map out in Forge a few times with some other friends. The forging is decent and I like the layout. Looks like it will be good fun and stay on my harddrive for a while.
great map, i love the idea of the map. but u need more cover in the middle area and clean up some objects (align them). those are the only flaws! 4/5
looks like a really fun map for KotH, and ill deff down load when i get mythic. the hills look dorta small though
This was one of the only MLG maps on the first page I didn't close within 2 seconds of looking at it, congrats! I like all of the elevation changes, but it doesn't seem like it's big enough for 4v4. Everything looks so similar as well, I'm not sure if callouts would be too easy, but I'm definitely downloading this and checking it out.
This map needs more love here. I've enjoyed every game I've played here, even though I was hopelessly outmatched. I love the elevation changes and Oddball runs really well despite bnasty constantly jumping off the map, lol. I hope more people here give this a download and run some games on it, because it's well worth your time. Oh, and Novak, it's definitely big enough to hold an MLG 4v4 game.
nice map, looks like it would be an awsome game for MLG. Its really helpful that you put call outs for the map. it looks very smooth to play on, so thats a plus. i do like teh idea for the bottom mid/spine, pretty creative there. well ill give it a DL.
the only thing i really dislike about your map is that really thin wall near "red spawn." not to be mean or anything, but it's hideous. it really detracts from the rest of your map which looks very well done. other than that, the only other thing i have to suggest is maybe having more areas of your map that don't border the "drop-off." the death barrier becomes less special when it's omnipresent. maybe build some walls or large structures (or even just railings). this way, you can emphasize the more perilous regions of your map. EDIT: alright, I just ran into your mlgpro post of this map and got to see the gameplay video. let me just say that your pictures do no justice to how awesome this map is. i didnt realize how complex all the gullies and elevation changes were until i got to see it from the first person perspective. and all the comments about lack of cover? not true at all. the only cover missing in this map is lazy cover. bravo pulsekiller. to everyone else, either go look at the video, or just download the map. it's design is unique and appears to run very, very smoothly. i would download it immediately if i had an xbox on hand. addressing the problems: [1] i still stand by my comment about red spawn. those walls are not only ugly in the pictures, but they're also ugly in the video. i understand that you ran into OLN and budget issues, but if you find a way to shuffle around a few objects or save on budget, that would be the first thing i would change. the rest of your map just looks SO much better in comparison, and I think it's definitely related to how thin those walls are. everything else on your map is bulky, and "wider is better." [2] the only other thing that appears troublesome is the lack of railings. i completely understand that this is due to OLN, but i couldn't help but notice that you did place railings (wedges) on red pathway. did you simply run out of other objects for potential railings? cause those things are tiny. it'd be more economic (both objects and budget) to create railing out of double walls. of course, your walls are probably all used up, but if you were able to free up those walls from "red spawn," it might allow you to get a little more mileage out of your budget (wedges and double walls both being 5$). [also, i'd be curious to hear why you decided to put the railing on red pathway but not blue pathway] but anyway, please dont let my complaints discourage you. this map looks fantastic. i hope i get to play it soon, because it looks like it should be a prime candidate for v7. i can totally see slayer and hill as potentials for this map (i am anticipating the playball would ruin oddball on this map)
OP updated with new pictures and link updated to new version of the map. I will have some new gameplay and a flythrough up soonish. Also, I have added railings in the newer version so that now about 3/4 of the map has railings with the only part lacking railings being blue tower, but it is a relatively wide walking surface anyway, so it is not a major problem at all.
This map looks pretty decent I like the diffrent elevations of the map. the cover needs some work tho. this seems a bit small to be a 4v4 map. 4/5