Foundry Stratus

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Psycho, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Stratus is a map that I have been excited to post, but never really got around to it. Many of you will recognize it from winning the Template contest, hosted by Bl00D F1R3, a while back. Every mergable (making up words, that's right) object on the map has been merged

    How many players?
    As an asymmetric map that is built on half of Foundry, the recommended number of players is 4-6, similar to Maverick. :)

    Team Slayer is the best gametype for Stratus, however, Multi and One Flag gametypes, as well as Team King are fun.

    Power Weapons:
    The two main power weapons on this map are the sniper rifle located in the back base and the gravity hammer in the open base.

    Yellow and Purple towers:
    These two locations on the map are small towers that can be used for map control or call-outs. There are interlocked power-ups designating a specific color to each tower, so it is easy to call-out, purple, or yellow.

    The Ghost:
    From the start, I wanted to include a Ghost in the design of the map, so I centered the structures around this vehicle. As you will notice, you can drive the ghost clearly under the Spiker Ramp, under Yellow Base, and many more locations.

    I appreciate those whose took the time to read this, but now for some pictures! :D









    Action Shots:




    And don't tell anybody, but download nao and receive fr33* rec0nz.
    And yes, I no what you're thinking... rec0nz AND ep1c mergez :)
    *standard charges may still apply

    Thanks to:
    Stealth- For making the only other map submitted. :)
    DeathToll77- Bleep Bloop
    Bl00D F1R3- Hosting the Template Contest
    Cheesepuffs96- Testing
    YellowPie- Testing
    The Cheat902
    Spartan7371- Testing
    Kidbomber- Being awesome!!!111
    Download Stratus

    EDIT: And just a note to those who played the map before release, the man-cannons were removed and the teleporter outside the map was deleted.

    EDIT: Who added the tag: "Transformers Reassemble?" Xanon? Phreakie?

    #1 Psycho, Apr 4, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  2. SpeedDemon

    SpeedDemon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looka great!!! I really like how you made the grav hammer spawn stand out by using tele-porters!
    Also, i'll give you props for merging a fence box by the blue door...I've tried merging boxes in the area so many times, but Always doesn't work, real pain haha
    Anyways, I'll DL tomorrow since i can't get to my xbox
    And very funny, gettin people to DL w/ a offer of free recon
    niice trick haha almost worked on me :p
  3. lefty0904

    lefty0904 Ancient
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    Wow this looks amazing. It looks messy in the cleanest possible way if that makes sense lol. (Don't worry its a compliment.) I can see why this won the contest. I'm sure that with all the merging and interlocking this took a long time to make. Great work. I'll download soon and be back with more.
  4. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Damn, posted already?

    I enjoyed testing this with you guys. The gameplay on this map was quite solid. Bad spawns were very rare during the games we played, and the layout is rather balanced.


    The layout is small to medium sized asymmetrical arena, with several easily recognizable locations. Stratus offers a wide assortment of elevations and structures that will be sure to force even the best players to stay on their toes.

    Interlocking and Geomerging is smooth and crisp, and it was very rare to get caught on something.

    Balanced Gameplay

    Most Asymmetrical maps usually fail when balanced gameplay rears it's ugly head. However, Stratus has gameplay that is very fast-paced and balanced.

    Weapons are placed near perfectly, with very few areas that are crowded with weapons.


    - Balanced, Fast Paced Gameplay
    - Recognizable Locations
    - Clean Merges/ Very Smooth
    - Varying levels of Elevation
    - Good Spawns

    - Ghost is a little Overpowered
    - Some hills in KoTH were small/oddly shaped



    This map has The Cheat's stamp of approval!
  5. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    Yes, I infact have seen this map before. I infact played on it and it was quite astounding. A quote from my friends when we first played on this." Alert Bungie cause I think this map is moded." I reply, " No, this map is just really good and the creator used the geomerge glitch, retard." As you can see, we did play on it and played out VERY well. Me lik it.
  6. Remii

    Remii Ancient
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    Great job on the forging, but there are some areas of this map that could use some touching up on merging. Oh well, i still like the layout of this map 4/5
  7. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    i can has reconz? Epic forging and and detailing. The structures you made are really "the cats meow" and I may also add that the map is like a Out dorish map like High ground or Ghost Town. Most competitive maps I see are Forerunner themed so thats a big plus for originallity. pretty nutz boo...9/10
  8. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks real good. There are some very unique structures and the merging and interlocking is very very good, expert even. It just seems a little open on the ground level, but I understand thats for the ghost. I like the curvy platform thing made out of bridges too. It is definitly worth a download. (for free Reconz) lol.
  9. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    This map looks amazing, it should be featured. It says in your description that you can ride the ghost but its stuck in that fence box. Is there another ghost on the map or something?
  10. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Look closely at the eighth picture. On the left side in the outlet, there is a ghost spawn. It respawns every 120 seconds.
  11. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    this map is great, it uses plenty of space and is also nice allowing enough room for the ghost to drive around in. i imagine it will be amazing for team slayer, and flag if it allows..?

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