Maelstrom Overview Maelstrom-A large and violent whirlpool; Any violent or turbulent situation. When I began making this map I intended to make it seam as though there were 4 bases, 2 bases would look as though they have started to fall apart, while the other 2 are in great shape. As testing, testing, revision, testing, suggestions, testing, testing, and revisions occurred it made that idea quite restricting, because I value Game-play over Aesthetics. If you are here just for screenshots, scroll to the bottom. p.s. The screenshots don't really do it justice... So as you can tell I have tested this map thoroughly, and you won't be disappointed when it comes to "game-play" and "looks." Maelstrom is a symmetric map in one sense and an asymmetric map in another sense. Gametypes: Team Slayer FFA CTF Assault The map is built around a center, spiraling structure that links all of the maps objects/structures together. Both Red and Blue base are identical and the Blue and Red "rubble" areas are made to have some sense on being identical(this is where the asymmetric part comes in, because they aren't really indentical). Weapons: Battle Rifle x8? Carbine x8? Brute Shot x2 Energy Sword x1 Sniper Rifle x2 Sentinel Beam x1(don't worry it actually works with this map and isn't over powering...I know it's hard to believe, but ask the testers and they will tell you that it didn't seam like any particular weapon was over-powering). Vehicles: None Equipment: Overshield x2(One inside each base, once again, this wasn't over-powering or unbalanced in anyway, it actually helps make the map play better and more enjoyable). Active Camo x1 Plasma Grenades x14 Power Drainer x2 Regenerator x1 Bubble Shield x1 Grav-Lift x2(run time minimum set at 2, because it is a key to using the Grav-Lift Bridge). Points of interest: Sentinel Beam-At the top of the center structure you can see most of the map, the downside is there is very little-to-no cover up there(risk vs reward) and people can take the teleporter out of their base and come from behind you. Teleporters-On top of each base is a great place to be, because you can see the other team leave there base and if caught in a bad situation you can teleport out of it. Downside is there isn't a ton of cover, and the Sentinel Beam position has favor over you. Risk vs Reward: Energy Sword-It's right in the middle of the center structure floating on a weapon holder...both bases have an equal chance for grabing it, but be careful that you make your jump go straight down so that you land on the stone platform, opposed to falling to your death. Active Camo-NO cover. Quickness, timing, and tricky jumps reward you with invisibility. Make sure no one is watching you though... Grav-Lift Bridge-The shortest and quickest path to each base, making it great for CTF, there is no cover down there though, so have someone on top of your base so your journey isn't ended shortly. And make sure you grab the Grav-Lift on your way over there. Screenshots: Under Blue Overview1 Blue Overview2 Blue Sniper Red Overview1 Red Overview2 Red Sniper Spiraling Center Structure Sword/Tube View Reciever Nodes Active Camo Sentinel Beam(Grav-Lift Bridge in the distance) Inside of Blue Base(indentical to Red Base) Download Maelstrom -WREX 801 a.k.a. LORDxSAINT
i dont really like the idea of random junk everywhere cuz there's 2 snipers and if you're caught out there by someone with a sniper, you're dead for sure (unless you grab camo). the map otherwise is good. 8/10
Well I can tell the "asymmetric" part of it, lol. The map looks okay I guess, a lot of random looking objects I see their. But that I must assume would make the map a lot more challenging to the players. I don't know, I would have to download the map, see it first hand; play a couple games on it first before judging the book...
It isn't random junk. Think of it as aesthetics. I didn't just put objects there for no reason, each object was specifically placed where it needed to be. if you played customs on it like we(testers guild members) did you would realize how fun the map is. and thx
V2.1 is pretty good. I know you've spent a considerable amount of time on this, as I have watched you forge this for a while. I can't really say much else besides good job because you already know my initial thoughts on it.
HAHA ok well then you should have just said that, so that the people viewing the map thread can see what other peoples thoughts are. That is why we post. p.s. thx
I know you said that the random junk was asthetics, but in my opinion it looks really messy, except the bases. On the other hand, it looks pretty fun to play on. I don't like the way it looks, but i like how a game can unfold on this map. I also like the way the center structure is made. 4/5
Seems like the reactions aren't what you were expecting.. unless you were expecting people to give it average ratings? But seriously guys. If you still haven't played a game on it, I suggest you do so. It is genuinely awesome.
Very interesting, I know you were trying to get a stormy feel in the map, but looking at the screenshots intimidate me, and draw me away from the map. I can see falling off of this map A LOT, and though I find this entertaining, I can see some people becoming instantly irritated, thus, quitting a custom game. I do appreciate the work you put in this, it must have taken you forever to do this. From the screen shots, I give you a 4.5/5.
Screenshots with this map unlike other maps, make it look worse. After looking at the screens I thought, wow now i know what people mean by "random" but it really isn't and it plays well if you have a 2v2 3v3 or even 4v4 going on. Team Slayer is the best for it, and CTF is sweet. About falling off the doesn't happen as often as you think. There actually are a lot of railing. It really is awesome.
I did a quick run through of the map, and it is great. The aesthetics are very pleasing to look at, and the lay out is very nice. I like the idea that there were four bases, but two were destroyed. A minor problem is that the effects made navigating the map a little more difficult, but I think having them off just completely ruins the feel of the map. Overall, it is a quality map. 5/5
I have an idea... You should make another map like Maelstrom, but instead of just "random" junk everywhere, you just have bridges that connect to the different platforms. Each bridge could be unique in it's own way, so it's aesthetically pleasing, yet easier to navigate throughout the map. With the bridges you would still get the feeling of possibly falling off, but it wouldn't be as "risky" as it would be in Maelstrom's current state. On second thought, I may want to try something like this if that's okay. I just want to use the basic idea, but change it up a little bit. After all, I need something to Forge as I haven't Forged in a while.