H3 Artificer

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by coyoteboy1023, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    H3 Artificer is a forge based forum to help those that wish to put triggers ranging from simple to complex. It is a relatively new site and will grow more quickly if you join! Right now 4 members on forge hub, Me, G043r, | Zero Fox |, and Ferretness are working on a promo map to show all of the trigger we have found.

    Forge triggers are an ocean to be explored in the world we call "forging". Come map out this new land with us!

    Click Here

    If you have any comments or questions please respond.
  2. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    The website forum seems to be completely content free. Did I miss something? There is just kindova vague-ish thread devoted to switching.

    And really, is this necessary? The forum here works.
  3. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    yeah, i don't really see the need for this.
  4. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    If you don't see the need for this please don't post here.
  5. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    I decided to join, but it seems a tad unnecessary, do you think instead of doing this there could just be another topic or forum branch thingy? Also I really don't think there should be maps unless it's showing off switches. And what is the deal with the Artifcer title?
    Is it like Guilder?
  6. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    AS for the moment...Forge hub isn't going to make a forum for us... and thats ok.. we didn't ask them to... its just an free... section... we do our own thing... don't think in terms of Forge hub when you look at our site... its just about switches..and how we can make them better... for forge use...

    As for Maps...yes thats the link to where we showcase maps with switches..but nothing on the level of forge hub... We will not give much to every map type and the press to selling maps... this is a creative zone as far as I know it... We inspire... not select the top... few... out of the crowd... and some times... idea's for a map..could be selected over the durability's of a switch so that possibly the switch can be improved...

    Artificer title is more like an idea setting that we would like to archive...but its not the point of the site... its a casing for the name... we make custom switches...with very detailed ideas..for forge... (PS wiTH out MODDING)

    As for Kapura, and Kayaman... this is a new forum... respect it... we didn't ask that you bash us as we got started... and thoughts should have been keep to personal thoughts... we haven't even show cased a map yet... because we are working on them...

    I have to say... with in a few days... once the site and the map is set up... I think you can see more of a presentation on our part... don't write us out just because we are starting...
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Oh, what the hell. I suppose I should contribute or something; it looks the same as it was last week.
  8. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    A forum specializing in switches... yet the only page which actually has information on switches is really vague.

    Lol whats all this mean? You at least need to explain the new terminology. Wtf is side side low high...?
  9. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    Guys please keep in mind it was rushed to be finished, its been up for a short amount of time, and the Promo isn't even out yet. It was my personal opinion we shouldn't have released the site until we had the promo done but thats inconsequential now. It will grow in time but no one said that Forgehub, or MLG became big overnight.
  10. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    I don't mean to add to the criticism, but I can see what those above have seen. Perhaps the map should have come out FIRST, then the website SECOND?

    Anyways, props for the effort. I will stop by your site every once in a while to see if there are any updates.

  11. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    and what is the problem of making an Artificer thread, but the only thing listed is a website and a tiny little fact on triggers. Shouldnt it be expanded to every gadget, like elevator lifts, fusion coil chain, action/reaction, chutes, and triggered events? Considering that is what being an artificer is about - New ideas that change a map from normal, to a map that has interaction between the scenery and the player.

    edit** I have posted a few demonstrations of the trigger system in the second page.
  12. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    Thanks for the added resource. I appreciate options and hope your site gets cleaned up and becomes very useful.

    One thing though... I was given this message when I went there. Note that right now it is March 19, 4:36 PM...

    Welcome back; your last visit was on Mar 19 2008, 08:35 PM

    It'd be great if you could send me your time machine. I only need to use it once (flight out, then back in) to get some lottery numbers. then i'll give it right back... swear!
  13. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Register your website with a domain. You will get more people on it.

    Improve your post. the more attractive it looks the more likely people will go to your website.
  14. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    If we're talking about aesthetics:
    Change the green to something lighter. It looks muddy.
  15. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
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    You obviously do not know what ellipses are actually for.
  16. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    seeing as how there is no information on this thread, even to peak some readers interest, I feel almost obligated to explain at least a couple switches... if the pics are too large sorry, but otherwise you cant see details. This is not an ad, it is so people can see what being an Artificer means, and what a few "gadgets"/"triggers" look like.
    These triggers make the crate an immovable object, untill triggered. Don't ask me why, but its just bungies physics system "working as intended"

    one way powerup trigger
    [img width=800 height=450]http://photoshack.com/albums/userpics/15203/26461063-Full.jpg[/img]

    after powerup is picked up, this is in mid-fall, after the fall the pathway is flush
    [img width=800 height=450]http://photoshack.com/albums/userpics/15203/two.jpg[/img]

    one way turret trigger
    [img width=800 height=450]http://photoshack.com/albums/userpics/15203/three.jpg[/img]

    after turret is detached . Mid fall again
    [img width=800 height=450]http://photoshack.com/albums/userpics/15203/four.jpg[/img]

    overview of passageway, after path is clear
    [img width=800 height=450]http://photoshack.com/albums/userpics/15203/five.jpg[/img]

    use of these can be very unique in a zombie map, as a passage way out of the base without worrying about zombies getting in, untill opened. This can also help one-sided objective maps and the such. I am in the process of making a TWO-way trigger which relies on the consent of both teams to be opened. I am guessing it could be used on any map other than a zombie map, one sided maps it might not be the best either.

    These triggers are created by pushing a crate/pallet/movable object between an immovable object (teleporter) and a immovable object that can be destroyed/removed in game (powerups, turrets, and maybe a few other objects that i dont know about). The moveable object will float and remain there as a temporary immovable object. Once the destroyable immovable object is removed, the crate will no longer float and will turn back into a moveable object. Once this happens, gravity takes over. You can make the moveable object launch away, by putting the immoveable object and immovable destroyable object inside of the movable object. This usually has wierd/ not consistent results, and I reccomend by just barely putting the immovable objects inside of the crate, just so about 1-2 inches of the object is inside the crate.

    If you want the map, to test it out get on my file-share here This may be off the share within a week or so though, because it is a waste of space to me as of right now.

    oh yeah, if something breaks on the map please tell me why and what you did, this testing is absolutely neccesary, and to the actual artificers who created this thread, sorry if you think this is too big, or you don't want it here, pm me if you want it off, and ill take it off.
  17. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Now I understand how they work. Before, it was unexplained and confusing.

    If you want, I can host it on my fileshare. I have only four things on it as of now, and it's not going to be increased any time soon.
  18. VestigeL

    VestigeL Ancient
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    Congratz on your guys' new site. It's still kinda empty though...
  19. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
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    i think this is a great idea and i will join.

    any attempt to expand forge to make maps better should be praised upon.

    these are a group of people who are trying to help our maps, so therefore, should not be bashed into the ground because they are just starting.

    great job guyz
  20. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    No advertising allowed.

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