Human vs Covenant v2.0 The war continues Story: After the death of the prophets and the extinction of the brutes, the Covenant have split into pieces. The only Covenant who still stay true to their mission- the extermination of the Human race- are a group of Elites. They were forced to hire mercenaries of all sorts of races to quantify their army. After the "Final" battle with the Covenant and the death of Truth, hope seemed to arise for planet Earth. Although there were uncountable casualties, the Humans' new alliance with some of the Elites seemed to form a strong army. So it's same old, same old- the Humans are fighting for their lives against the Covenant. Description: Choose a side and load up in the armory, then take the battle outside. The armories are not stacked with great weapons. They have a few simple guns. There are two sniper towers which can easily dominate the game. The weapons are very balanced, giving each team a fair chance at them. Made for Team Slayer, Assault, and CTF. I'm not a fan of giving away where all the weapons/equipment are so go find it on your own and dominate the competition. I don't want to give up too much info in this post so go ahead and try it out! Let me know of any bugs, glitches, or just good ideas, etc. Version 3.0 Ideas Structures on the sides to make Objective games more fun. More structures in the air so there are more enclosed battles. Tell me your ideas and I may add them! Download Map Download Map
I like the concept of the map, and I'm glad you used some more advanced forging techniques, but the map looks a little underdeveloped.. There is a lot of open space left on the map, which I assume is partly for vehicles. However, I think another structure could be added to provide more cover, or add another interesting element to the map. It looks promising, but I think it needs some work. [edit] I also noticed you have a weapons cache in the locker room area. Thats generally a bad idea as it promotes camping.
Alright thanks! But you spawn in the locker room. There aren't very good weapons in there. And it's covered by a shield door and blocked off. I might add structures on the side in a new version to make objective games a little more fun. But thanks for the advice!
Ah, an interlocked version of boxes and bridges, this isn't particularly original. To get your map noticed, you got to do something that people haven't seen before, or something with a large cult following to get you started, lol. Also, I noticed that the one large tower on your map is a little close to the jump ceiling, almost everyone I know hates that thing, so remember in future maps, to avoid it. Try just putting 1-2 weapons in the locker room and spreading the rest over the map, evenly, like butter on toasted bread. You don't want to much butter in one area, or too little, you want just the right ratio of toast to butter.
Haha nice metaphor. It is like that- the weapons in the armory aren't anything special. The weapons on the map are the things that win the game. And my maps are never too great aesthetically, but usually are very fun to play with. So I'll go with your cult idea! haha. That way people can judge off the opinions of people who have played it and not just mine and those who judged it off the screenshots.
Human vs Covenant, I haven't seen that before! ( sorry to seem so rude, it is just that every kid around the states with halo has made that map)
Haha. It's fine. I'm thinking about changing the name because I've pretty much removed the aspect of it being Human vs. Covenant. People assume it's another ****hole from the name.
New Version Coming out with a new version. Fixed a lot: -Lift to the sniper tower is simpler and easier to get on. -No more camping overshield/sniper tower. -Armories eliminated! -Better weapon spawns. -Fixed for FFA Slayer. -Snipers have less ammo. -1 Bomb: *Defenders are no longer loaded with good vehicles. *Spawns fixed. *Bomb spawn fixed. It is called Warzone and it will be up on my File Share ASAP.