Sandbox Evacuation/Finish Him!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Reeve, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. Reeve

    Reeve Ancient
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    Survive until help arrives.

    Attackers' view from the drop boxes

    This is version 2.0 of Evacuation/Finish Him!, I finished it yesterday (stuck at home). The update makes the crypt section of the map much more interesting, and messes with a few weapon spawns. One note: when setting up the match, the teams must be BLUE and GREEN or the spawns won't work right. I was told that this was a minigame, so I moved it here.

    Evacuation has two games going on at once. The VIP spawns out in the desert, in a ruined tunnel system, and has to hold out until his team can rescue him.

    VIP's desert base

    One player from the attacking team spawns in the partially intact underground tunnel system. He has to fend off the VIP's teammates with a shotgun for as long as he can. There are weapon dispensers in the tunnels, and one very important equipment dispenser.

    Killing in the tunnels

    When the defenders kill the attacker, he drops a bubble shield. The defenders can use it and others that respawn once it's been used (they'll need at least two) to walk straight through a kill ball at the attacker's end of the tunnels. That will allow them to jump up to a teleporter.

    See the shadow in there?

    The rest of the attackers spawn in drop boxes near the VIP and have to kill him before the defenders can rescue him.

    VIP defending his territory

    When the defenders escape the crypt, they have to grab a vehicle and pick up the VIP. The attackers can use the available antivehicle weaponry to stop the VIP or they can chase him down with the mongeese back at the drop boxes.

    Awesome jump

    Then they have to bring him back to where they teleported in. The VIP can't make the jump onto the ship unless he's in a vehicle, and even then it might take a few tries.

    The ship (main goal point) and launcher

    OK, stats for the players:

    110% Health
    2X Overshields
    200% Damage
    Shotgun/AR Spawn
    200% Gravity
    Passenger Only
    75 Meter Sensors
    Black Appearance
    Marker Visible to Allies Only

    200% Shield Recharge
    Magnum Spawns
    No Grenades
    110% Speed
    50% Gravity

    200% Health
    SMG Spawn
    No Grenades
    110% Speed
    200% Gravity
    75 Meter Sensors
    White Appearance

    Other Settings
    1 Point to Win the Round
    4 Rounds (No Time Limit)
    VIP Takedown 1 Point
    VIP Betrayal -1 Point
    Goal Arrival 1 Point
    VIP Death Ends Round
    10 Second Respawn
    Like most of my minigame-type maps, weapons, vehicles, and equipment don't respawn, except the ones on weapon dispensers in the tunnels.

    One small honor rule: the attacker in the tunnels should NOT go through the kill ball with his bubble shield.

    This is my first published map ever, so please go easy on me, and please give me suggestions? Also, it still hasn't been tested in multiplayer at all. I made most of it last night and I was really tired... so... yeah... anybody out there want to help me balance it, make a version 2.5?

    Download Evacuation 2.0
    Download Finish Him! 2.0
    #1 Reeve, Apr 4, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  2. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    My favorite part of this map is the goal point. The ship is amazingly creative. The basic layout of the map is preety cool and the broken tunnel system adds a cool affect. I will download as soon as I have room in my maps. Stupid 100 limit. Great job 3.75/5
  3. Reeve

    Reeve Ancient
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    what happened to the other comment? and why did my map get way less views than the other ones? :(
  4. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    A+ for creativity. Seriously.

    Couple things:
    1) This is a mini game.
    2) I was actually really into your game until I got to the part with the crypt. That part doesn't really fit the "feel of the game." What does a big open room with one teleporter and a golf club have to do with an evacuation? I would probably look over that part and either re-do it or make a bit more dramatic. Evacuations are dramatic right?

    Suggestions: (What you have is fine but..) Since this is a time-like map, perhaps you want to have the ship actually "spawn" at a certain time limit. That way, you could have everyone at the ruins holding out until the ship "arrives." (sorry, i can't help trying to avoid the crypt thing ;). I'm full of ideas for this, but I'll leave it at that for now.

    If I haven't given the impression yet, this map has incredible potential. The idea of a rescue ship is great and you made it with pretty decent aesthetics. What you have now I'm sure is great, but you'll want to push this concept as far as you can. I look forward to what you do with this ;)
  5. Reeve

    Reeve Ancient
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    suggestions are good

    well see i thought of that first, having the ship spawn in at a certain time. but there are a bunch of reasons im not gonna do that, mostly i hate timed levels in any videogame. And i want the evacuation time to rely on the VIP's teammates. You know, "come on, come on, save me, I'm about to die!" And i really like that run to and from the tunnels in a warthog or mongoose.

    i know the crypt thing is stupid and I'd love to get rid of it, i just couldn't think of what sort of gameply would work in with the evacuation. It would be great to add a whole nother part to the map in the crypt, sort of a castle assault thing maybe. But mostly i was too lazy, but since the little feedback i got was good, i would love to take this map a step further. The crypt (or skybox if that works better) still has to be 1 vs team and the objective has to be to get through a teleporter, but everything else is totally flexible. except the attacker stats. any ideas you (or anybody) have would be great! I've got $420 left, and i can probably scrounge up a little more.

    And if i can deal with money and object limits, i might be able to add another part after the ship, maybe in the skybox. where the team and VIP work together. Oh and if somebody looks at this and thinks a switch would work better than the whole vehicle deal to get into the ship, they're totally right, I'm just not that good a forger.

    i have made better looking ships before in skybox, tried to set up an aerial ctf with hornets and crap (didnt work), but as with everything else in this map, i leaned pretty heavily on my ideas and not my skills. This could be a totally different map once I put some effort into it.
  6. Wally12

    Wally12 Ancient
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    This maps looks awesome! I really like your creativity and everything looks forged pretty well. Good job, and I will download this when I can.

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