This was the first time i was ever in a matcmaking game with a flaming recon. so i decided to take some pics.
Zomg I ply3d \/\/ith Obi Wan Stevobi 4nd tw0 Recon guyz in teh saem game y3st3rd4y!1!!1!1eleven (I did though. lol.) I agree. So you played a game with someone with Flaming Recon. That's great. Unless they did something that made a super epic picture, just save the film and move on.
i dont give a **** that i played with them, many bungie employees suck at halo, as this one did. but the flaming recon helmet looks good in screenshots... so i took pictures... since i dont have flaming recon. im not taking screens to prove i played with them... obviously. i hate the screenshot forums, i dont know why i still post here. its either for people to raise their post count or people that love effects, even if the angle and framing and everything else is terrible. i liked the screens from before DLC, when people took shots of interesting and funny situations. unfortunately, i was pulled away from this and lured into the evil of effects. now i realize my mistake.
i dont have room for them on my fileshare, but theyre still on my recent screenshots. i can put the second one on my share if you think that one is best. and its on assembly.
Hah, everyone things their just way too cool for flaming recon so they diss it. If they were offered flaming recon they would take in, no questions asked.
I played with B12y4n 51m0n, Mini Waz, and IX ScArReD XI all in one matchmaking game on Orbital yesterday. All had Reconzzz.... We lost because of Mini Waz... He only got three kills. Ah well.
Well, if it means anything Lawfull, I like them. I actually think the shots are decent to pretty good, and I can imagine that unless its a tight game you wouldn't get a whole lot of opportunities to get good screenshots... I just can't believe how much spammage you're getting just because its a recon pic. The recon itself means nothing to me, but I like the flame...