Sharkie is a fun and enjoyable infection game which takes place on the waters of Last Resort. My friends and I play it quite a bit and they think it is fun. The object of the game is simple, the zombie A.K.A. shark is trying to knock down the humans from the radio antena and devour them with there sword. The humans have a magnum to start with. The shark is not invincable though, he can only take 3 magnum shots to the head and he dies, but then respawns. Dont worry though, the shark is surely fast enough to dodge the magnum shots. The humans have low gravity, but enough to jump from pole to pole. I hope everyone enjoys this game. Screenshots are below MAP>Halo 3 File Details GAME>Halo 3 File Details
I've seen a couple maps like this, but never one on last resort. Props for that. It looks very simple, but I guess it doesn't really need to be complicated. I think it should probably be in mini games, but either way. Ok anyways it looks like it would be fun for a while, but couldn't the humans just keep shooting the zombie? It seems like he would always be dying.
actually no, as I said above, the zombie is quite fast most likely dodging the shots AND the magnums do not have infinite ammo thanks for feedback anyways
it reminds me of that jaws game that takes place in the same area. the good positive that is different of the 2 is that this one seems escape proof. the bad side is it's much smaller then jaws. 3/5
yea, there is zero originality in this map, the map jaws was made a long time ago and is nearly the exact same as this besides that you could escape jaws. this map is way to small also
I've played a version of this, and people would melee the boxes to move them, thus escaping the map. My suggestions are: A. make it outside of the map on avalanche, B. put teleporter and weapon holders on the other side of the box to keep it in place and C. people can jump on eachothothers heads, so ad another set of boxes on top.
But that defeats the purpose because there is no water.... and no tippable antenaes. Actually I don't think this is a ripoff Jaws had more open things, 1 shots headshot, bad camping spots and was escapable. I like this one though because the point is only the antenaes and not the whole open water which I think is better 5/5 PS: Can't spell antenaes or escapable damnit!
Well its not original but it looks clean. I've seen this map done quite a few times. Also you can kill the zombie with 3 shots? Seems a little low. 3/5 at least its clean.
Actually I've seen and played on many maps similiar to this all on last resort (as I am quiet a custom *****-700 customs/100 ranked/200social) and this isn't actually the best version I've seen. I give it a 2/5 for being one of the cleanest I've seen and it looks easier for the zombies than any other one I've seen
no im a custom ***** 7,500 custom games , but ya ive played alot of maps like this ill give it a try but i dont think it will play very differently :/.
wow! im only like 2000 customs... and one question....are there more spawns for the zombie, cuz i imagine, unless he goes through those teleporters, that he could keep getting assassinated
id say thats pretty risky.... the humans would have some balls to do that. cuz like he said the zomb is a fast little bugger. anyhow: i can see a way to get out: far left pole when its getting tipped over (if it falls to the left) then it provides a nice little bridge i could break this map ;0 ive done it with the other ones and ill do it again HA HA on the map: i think its too small (thats what she said ) MAKE IT BIGGER then i will give this a suck... i mean download.
I remember Jaws being much like that but Jaws was bigger. Even though you could escape, it was very fun. This is much like it but, I would have to say I prefer Jaws over this one. Still looks very fun for gameplay though.
it looks like a good map but dont you think you should enforce the walls a little more because most people i know will just jump outside and find a hiding spot