Entropius DescriptionEntropius is a mid sized, symmetrical map designed for Neural Flag and other neutral team gametypes. The map started as a small to mid sized FFA map, but was changed from the original center point (Red Base) into what it is today. This map took me and my friends about a week and a half on and off to build from the original idea. Supported Game Types As I mentioned in the description above, Entropius is build for neutral objective team games. This includes; Slayer, Oddball, Neutral Flag, and One Bomb gametypes. Of course, you can play whatever you like, but those are the reccomended. Weapons ListThe weapons are as follows; *Assault Rifle x4 *Battle Rifle x6 *Sniper Rifle x2 *SMG x2 *Spiker x2 *More may be added in a v2* Equipment*Regenerator Pictures: Map Overview Center of the Map Red Base Blue Base Download Link:Halo 3 File Details
The initial layout is nice, and looks like it could work fairly well, though I'd suggest using more ledges around the perimeter to keep people from falling off as often. Wedge, Long is a great one, and I think there's 20 of them.
The map looks like it is really great for fighting, but I do see one problem. The pathways looke really thin and dont have barriers. It would seem that people caught up in BR duels would be more than likely to just fall to their deaths. Other than that, the map looks really nice. I wopn't have mythic until Thursday, but maybe by then you will have a v2 with everything perfect. 4/5 for now.
Yea, the only problem is that the wedges dont go high enough to keep people from falling, and i dont have enough blocks to make it bigger.
You could stack a couple of walls beside the blocks and then put the wedges on those. Then delete the walls and repeat. The map looks good for a 2v2 game. The layout is kind of basic but was executed well. I like the bases. I'll definitely DL a v2 with barriers around the edges of the walkways. Oh and you might want to change the color of you text for all the Old-School skin users.
Looks very interesting! Kinda reminds me of one of the long pathways between the two structures on the mission in campaign when you have to kill truth. Good Job man!
The map looks ok, but I'm just really sick of people forgetting to put railings on their maps. I would find myself falling off this map A LOT. It just looks very basicly built and not very creative. Sorry. 2.5/5
looks like it would be really good for ctf, but there is not a lot of cover, and people could kill the flag carrier really easily, if you added some more cover, it could be a great sniper, CTF, assault or team slayer map. overall, great layout and aesthetics, will give a 3.75/5 good forging