Actually, would you say the same about this signatures? Sure, it's not as big, but I used it to to cover up some of the bad parts.
Anime aside, I like it. The text isn't my favorite, it's kinda hard to read at first glance. The c4d is a little messy as well, and the border in the right looks more like a mistake. I'm not digging the size really either. Otherwise, it's a pretty good tag.
Does size really matter that much? Who cares about the shape. It's what you put in the shape, and how you use it. I made it a box because if I made it long it would have an empty side in it. Plus, it allows me to show more of the render, which is needed considering most of the render has a lot of emotion to it.
IMO this is your best sig yet. You've captured depth and used c4ds well. Also, the colors match but aren't completely monotone. I think the size and the border compliment the sig, rather than detract from it.
Did you screw up the thread title? Because it looks like plan... not play. Otherwise, the sig is very good. It's anime but it's good. I really like the border. It's different and new which is always good. Good job.
I didn't say it made sense... maybe you could make the text a tad wider so that you can tell it's a 'y' more.
Too bad people. I'm not going to bother fixing this. It was just a test, and I posted it here to see if it was successful. It seemed it was.