How do you make almost perfect interlocking and positioning? Usually when I position it's considerable different too other object positions, so the objects I place usually are sticking out, and when I interlock, it's even worse! Alot of the time I forget where I placed pieces so I'm usually about a square out, yet I see people with interlocked objects that are almost completely smooth, anyone have any tips on how to do it so accurately?
I flip the box over so the smooth side is facing up. I then place objects around what I want to interlock to I know where it is and how I want it. Most of the time, it's just luck.
You want to use objects as a key to where you should interlock. For example, say you have two walls you want to interlock together to make a longer wall. Put the wall you want to interlock, do the set to start "no". Now, before starting a new round, put another wall behind the wall you want to interlock, using it as a guide to see where to put the other wall. Start a new round, then place the wall nice and straight next to the guide wall. Pretty easy, really.
This. And there's also the problem people sometimes have with positioning an object and using the save and quit technique, which sometimes results in objects being positioned differently than you originally placed them. In my experience, I found that it's often linked with how strained an object is, meaning how forcibly it is pushed in a particular location. In other words, you control the object such that it's supposed to be positioned in a specific way, but you have other parts of the scenery blocking it from actually being positioned that way. However, since that isn't the desired position (you actually want it to be "blocked" by the objects on the map), you won't realize it's a problem until you reboot the map and the object is kind of twisted. So yeah, try to position the object so that it's more naturally in particular place.