Welcome to Forge Hub's Top Ten! a weekly community-compiled video made up of the members' best 10 clips. Any registered user may enter. In order to do so, merely submit clips to the "ForgeHub Top10" gamertag on Xbox Live within one week of this post. After another week, a video will be released showcasing the finest clips for a given theme. A few rules: Must have a video description detailing the contents of the clip. There must be a buffer period of 5 seconds before and after the main event of the video (for editing purposes). If the clip is selected, it will be featured in the compilation uploaded to the official Forge Hub YouTube channel found HERE. Furthermore, this thread will showcase the featured clips next Friday as well as introduce a novel theme each week. This Weeks Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZfDzZ87CFg This Weeks Theme: Fails
I thought the one that got the multi-kill because somebody blew up his team mates with a rocket shouldn't have been rated so high, but good job on this Bl00d F1r3.
Great video overall, maybe try to cut down the black screen in the first 15 secs or so, and add credits too. Maybe add some music in, and fade it out when you are talking?
2 should've moved back to 4 cause anyone can gun in a hog... no offence Vorpal Vice. Also, **** yeah for getting number 5, I'd just like everyone to know that that went on to become a 40 kill kill streak... And finally, Rabbitttt whatchut doin pwning noobs on my map?
Wow, great job with the editing/commentary there Blood. I'll make sure to submit my clips for next weeks fo sho.
Damn I had some good overkills I could have shared but forgot to send it to you, I have some failures though. And by failures does it have to be you failing or someone trying to do something to you but fails horriably?
Hahahah. I just joined a game on Ribcage composed of a lot of players like Agamer93 and teh mastar. A lot of people left and then I was promoted to leader for some reason. I chose your map because I have never played it yet. Delirium was not as good as I expected. Cenotaph and Pulse FTW. BTW, I am gonna submit a clip for the next episode. I think it will get high.
I really liked the video in general. The voice-overs were also decent. I suggest being more enthusiastic though. Considering it will be fails next episode, I would also suggest being enthusiastic with more comedic vocie-overs. I really liked it though, especially because I was in it. Huzzah! I look forward to future episodes, keep up the work!
yes, music woulda been great... but overall nice job and it's cool that you pulled that together just in like 3 days or so
Great job on putting this together Blood, it's great for a first-time vid. One piece of advice I could give is try to do a little less narrating. Instead of trying to describe everything step-by-step as it's happening, you should just cleverly hint at what's going to happen and let the clip speak for itself. Basically what Anoj does lol. But if that's not your style, by all means do whatever you want. I'm just glad you're taking the time to create these; thanks, by the way. Looking forward to week 2, I think I'll be on there.
Nice job for doing this. However. all those clips but the avalanche one sucked. Really forgehub? cant you do better? and editing was really really bad, but since you only had 3 days i can understand. Maybe the next one will have more work, done with it.
I agree with whoever said #4 should've been #1. I mean, sorry Vorpal, I love you, but anything with a turret isn't all to impressive and it should've at least been lower than the Killtrocity to Triple. I don't really think it needs music like a lot of people have said, I think it was fine. You just need to cut down on the silence by editing it a little closer together, and maybe write down exactly what you're going to say, because at times it seemed like you were mumbling a little bit. I liked the custom Top Ten Symbol you made, and the way you showed different angles for the kills.
Ok penguinish, I personally thought mine was good. 5 Straight headshots to kill there whole team in 20 seconds