Welcome to the maps of 90 degree racing, one of the first on sandbox... I think I will only do overviews though so here we go... Sky Relic Race (No Inspiration): Halo 3 File Details Overview[/URL] Doubles (Inspired By Acopalyptia): Halo 3 File Details Overview... again: [/URL] Drop In (Inspired By Armageddon (Which Is Not A Racetrack) + Icicle Peaks): Halo 3 File Details Overview... again, again: [/URL] WARNING PLAY DROP IN WITH ALL VEHICLES ON OR DIE... OF BOERDAM!!!!! P.S. Every track (except for Drop In) has a golf course [/URL] Thank you and have a good day
This lokoks fantastic! I really like your creativity! This has to be the best racetrack I've seen in a long time! It really stands out. The golf course is a bit odd but everything else looks neat and tidy. I love the drop in. It looks like people could have fun on that for ages.
id like to see some more pics of drop in. that map looks pretty cleaver as well as kinda cramped? please include a description of each map and some more pics. but from what i see right now the courses look pretty tight.
looks pretty good but i cant really see the track. i think u should u shouldnput on juicy it makes the killballs have purple creamy center nomnomn0m. over all 3/5
Nice maps you have there and I like the whole idea you came up with to play these maps. The designs are great and the layout is something (Not meaning in a bad way) and there is some great interlocking you have made. Overall great map!
sorry but if I do that then I go over the picture limit, that is why I said I will only do overviews and BTW no interlocking
trust me, it looks horrible from pics but is as smooth as grated sand on a huge beach, it looks great when you play it PLAY IT AWE DIE!!!!!! lol jokes but plz play it