map: DOWNLOAD HERE!!! Game type:Gametype by Mastar A little about this map. I wanted to always make a large tremors and mouse map, so what better place than this! It is half of Avalanche,and Mastar for his Tremor& game type, and i would like to thank Toxic Spade for blocking off the other half! I really hope you guys enjoy this! Also my first "real" map I have posted up! Now for pics: Mice spawn: From Mice Spawn: Tremors Spawn: From Tremors Spawn: Sorry no actions shots, i lost the film where I tested it... I hope you enjoy the map!
Yea I wish I could have been a part of testing this but ahh well,lol,this map looks very good and I am going to give it a download right now
well, i've never played tremors and mouse, so could you put in a short description of the point of tremors and mouse in your post? i can't really rate the map or say what's good and what's not good if i don't know what is supposed to happen. what i CAN say is that toxic spade did a good job blocking off half of avalanche.
Its pretty simple, I thought people knew it, well i is just 2 Tremors(choppers) Chases and trying to kill the mice(Mongooses) It's simple.
This really needs to be in the mini game sections. Getting back to the map, it looks pretty good compared to some of the other tremors maps I've seen. You major problem with this map is that I see a little to many lifts (i.e. Grav Lifts and Mancannons) on the map, and that makes it easier for the mice. I know it's a big playing space, but enough lifts = PO'd tremors. Also, did you make sure that a mouse couldn't use the large mancannon and go up to the tremor spawn?
Well the man cannons can actually help tremors determined from the test I had. It was fasted paced, and a lot of fun. Also you can't get to the tremors spawn, and the Grav lifts and mancannons are a bit of an advantage, but a smart tremor can get around that, and take Mice out.
That's why Tremor Blast was a runner-up in the Casual category in Best of Forge, right? Anyways, I found this map kind of fun. The overall look of the map can be deceiving, it didn't look the best but precisely placed ramps influenced my liking. The man-cannons definitely helped the Tremor more than it did for mongooses. Zanitor also used the main man-cannon on the map. he blocked off the top still but made it so it shot you back to where you started. It was a pleasure testing this.
Thanks Furry, and yeah the test was fun, it really was enjoyable, and I was extremely happy with the outcome. I am actually working on a V2 cause I think it can make things better.
Awesome map, just riding around through your man cannon-open box doing stunts was fun. Glad I could help test.
Ah yes thanks, it was full of fun! I really hope I can make it better sometime, I know there is sandbox now, but I think I can really do somethings with this.
I like the map but why all the floating objects? and also that open box by the rocket laucher spawn can the tremors get in there? If they can't and you still want a tunnel make it out of walls overall great map 4/5