Download map here. Gametype Recommended: All gamtype, except Infection. Man-made Gametype: Leader (description in post) Description: A small, but large map and very fast paced for a 2-10 player game. It has multiple platforming and two identical bases. At the very top center platform, that has the rocket launcher, which can can lead two ways to get up top. At the middle of the map, there is a trench dividing the two bases, and you can get in and out of there. Inside the bases has a ground floor, basement, and a roof. In the basement any objective target will be behind the stair leading to the ground floor. As each side of the map is blocked, prevents people from getting out of the map. This is also my first time using geo-merge and it went pretty well. Weapons: 6x Carbine - 30secs. - 1 or 2 clips 4x SMG - 30secs. - 1 clip 2x Magnum - 30secs. - 2 clips 1x BR - 30secs. - 2 clips* 1x AR - 30secs. - 2 clips* 2x Needler - 30secs. - 2 clips 1x Brute Shot - 45secs. - 2 clips 1x Rocket Launcher - 45secs. - 0 clip 2x Mauler - 45secs. - 1 clip 2x Beam Rifle - 45secs. - N/A *the infinate money glitch lock 15 BR and AR and couldn't get more into the map Equipments: 12x Frag Grenade - 10secs. 6x Plasma Grenade - 10secs. 2x Bubble Shield - 60secs. 2x Trip Mines - 60secs. 2x Flares - 60secs. 1x Regenerator - 60secs. 1x Power Drain - 60secs. Slideshows: Fever Overview and Fever Action Shots Screenshots: Overview Ignore the dead body. Overview2 Center Overview Trench Ignore the dead body... again. Underground Tunnel Base-Roof Base-Top Spawn Base-Bottom Spawn Action Shots: BR Madness Mauler Blast Inside the tunnel Regenerator Sniper Shot Rocket Launcher 2 against 1 Fighting Triple Explosion Special Thanks: Purple Team: Zeon277 SiM0 iz Lazy Paper Spartan Blue Team: Koite5 HungoverTick (Lagged) Download map here.
whoah this is really good the interlocking is flawless (you might want to add more of it) and i really like the trench with all the bridges. i like the simple base design it really goes good with the map. you also blocked off the rest of the map very nicely. the corner walls next to the single open boxes have a gap you night want to use less maulers and beam rifles and add more brs and carbines great job this is a map that i can see featured
I wish I could put more BRs, but since I was using the money glitch it locked 15 BRs. Just play a gametype that lets you start with a BR. And thanks for the comment.
From the pics it looks very good. I like the layout. Can you get from the trench area in the middle to the basement in the bases? I couldn't really tell. Oh and maybe interlock the floor a little more so it won't be so bumpy. Overall though it looks like it would be fun
Heres the thing. The interlocking in this map really isnt that great, but the layout is so unique i dont think anyone gives a damn about it. So many times have I (or other people) but dreamed of creating a similar map, but you built it phenomenal. I can't tell you how many times Ive thought of creating something like this. You have no idea. The bridges across the center do so much for aesthetics it's not even funny. Moving on, I love the underground tunnel. If I would suggest a v2, i'd say somethuing like m0aR 1nt3RL0Ck1bnd or needs more geomerging. I also like the fact that you went on to add multiple floors.
This is pretty good: Well forged Looks like a lot of work was put into this map. I like how the spool is on it's side so it can move 4/5 Hope To see more from you KEEP IT UP!
I agree with Twilight Snipe 100%. The layout of the map is phenomenal. But what's great about it is that there is still SO much room for improvement. This map is amazing as it is and there's still a LOT more potential left in this map. You have my DL, and I would love to see a v2. 4.5/5 P.S. It would be awesome if you could somehow connect the bottom-floors of the bases to the trench.
This is alright but I think it is very open, I think you could have used all of those boxes and walls for some more cover and useful structures instead of blocking off that little strip in the back by the bay doors. Blocking that off really seems kinda pointless since its so skinny. I would make a v2 as Twighlight snipe said, with more interlox, and merge the middle single open box in the tunnel so that you have Foundrys original floor in there, Also, get rid of that wall I mentioned and use the objects for a nuetral base or somthing. Definitly add cover, maybe the trench should be open, I can understand that but there needs to be more everywhere else.
Wow! this map looks great. The asthetics are very interseting and the gameplay looks great. Great interlocking. 4.9/5. look for a DL from me.
this is a new style to forging. the map is fairly large, and all the different levels make it seem bigger, my favorite part is the bridges in the looks good, and i notice that you had elites testing the map!!! definately 5/5 and a dl from me!! i would like to see you make some new maps, kind of like this style!!!
Love the comment on my map, lots of thanks. I'll have the time to answer some guestion & suggestion I saw. No the trench has no passage way to the bottom base, but nice idea! I thought to use the single boxes on the underground tunnel to connect Foundry's floor to save supplies, but it was too steep to climb out and looked very wierd. I admit I should of put more cover on this map. I thought combining the covers and the bubble shield would be enough. And since I was using the money glitch it locked some barriers that I accidently deleted. I plan on making a v2 on sandbox's crypt, and connect the underground tunnel to the bottom floor of the base. Also to redesigne the top center. There was only one elite, and it was me!