"Theatre" is currently a purely aesthetic map at the time. It is, well, a theater with a slightly greek touch to it. There are three rows of seats, three stands, and two enterances. There are no respawn points or weapons at the time, It's a rough draft. Depending on how this map is viewed, It is flexible enough to stand strong by itself as an Aesthetic map with improvements, or a competitive map. It is my first map, so instead of sarcastic comments and whatnot, I want constructive criticism, please. I also want to know if this would be better as an aesthetic map or competitive map. Overview Am I late for the show? One of the enterances The Stands Link to DL - Halo 3 File Details ☼
looks good for machinimas and what not... maybe u could add a couple other building and make it playable, ide like to see a whole greek/ roman city or somthing that owuld be nice
Machinma I like your theatre. It's a little on the small side, but then so are some theatres. I can picture this being used for some cool Machinma scenes with a bunch of people in the audience. Keep making maps and if you are going to improve this try making it bigger with more seating and a larger stage. Good job on your first post.
good map for your first post, except that it just doesn't resemble a theater much to me. in your final version, you should add a little wall next to the end of each row, merged enough with the boxes that you could crouch and not see the center, but stand and see the center. also, you should make it more elaborate. add some coloring effects. and i think, if you enclose the map, it would be good for slayer. and plus, you can make your own "set", by adding little things in the center ^^. for now, nice beta.
I'd suggest raising the walls and making the whole thing wider. It gives it that nice atmosphere. Anyways, I like where you were going with the whole map idea, just work a bit more on actually building it. Congrats for it being your first map.
yeah i agree make it a bit bigger. also, a roof would be sweet too. this would be great for machinima scenes, or a music video. good job! 4/5. welcome to forgehub, by the way! id suggest a v2 of this!
dude nice map, i think it could be a little more pleasing to the eye. good idea but i think you should make a v2. one of the really cool things that you shouldnt change is the entrance it looks nice. 7/10
1. Make bigger 2. Interlock boxes to make more rows of seats 3. If possible, make a roof... otherwise it'd just be a stadium
When I said "greek touch", I meant that the theatre wouldn't have a ceiling because theaters back then did not have one. ☼
im kinda lookin for a big roman arena, to have sword fights in and stuff. nice map though for machinima and pics.