Foundry Jousting on The Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by KAMIKAZE M16, Apr 3, 2009.


    KAMIKAZE M16 Ancient
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    Jousting on The Arena
    This is my first post, I made this game before the mythic codes were released but didn't know about forgehub until about april fools day. The object of the game is simple but there are two roles to play.

    1. Knight (VIP)
    Ride on the back of your Horse (mongoose) and stick the other Knight or Knights with your one spike grenado or (using B) slash them off their mongoose with your sword.

    2. Horse (mongoose driver) you are forced to be black and you have to drive the mongoose with your Knight on the back. don't worry about dying, because you are invincible as long as your Knight is alive. When he dies you are forced off your mongoose and can die.

    Note: both players are really slow and can hardly jump

    Honor Rule: you may only kill someone if you are on your Horse.



    Overview of arena​


    start (notice the horse is brown (I changed this to black) and the Knight is the color of his team)​


    launching in​


    extra start (only used if there are 14 or 16 players)​


    sword dueling​




    weird glitch, happens sometimes but rarely this high it usually just makes you spin out.

    p.s. I am making a v2 on sandbox give me tips​

    p.p.s. This is my best screenshot​

    Catch This​
    #1 KAMIKAZE M16, Apr 3, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2009
  2. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
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    Wow, looks like a pretty good map for a first post. The idea has been done before but not in this way. usually you can only have 4 people but this map supports up to 16 which is fabulous. I think you might want to clean up some areas just to enhance the appearance of the map. You do know how to interlock but don't seem to use it very much. I think the map looks like it will be fun if you have a lot of friends playing but not for the hardcore gamers that only like slayer maps. I give this map a 4/5 untill tested and it could change depending on how fun it is.
    Edit, just saw the links and they are not click able. Edit your post and click on the icon with the globe surrounded by a yellow bar I believe. Then post your links in their and they should work.
    #2 exploreTheGore, Apr 3, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2009
  3. Remii

    Remii Ancient
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    I don't think ive ever seen a mongoose close combat map :), im going to download this and play it with my friends tonight. I like your idea of making the driver brown as the horse and the knight can just own all. 5/5
  4. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Haha i saw this and it looks like alot of fun.. Definitly a ****-around game :) Good job too, because most first posts have relatively no interlocking and this map seems pretty well done. I like how you used the mancannons for the mongoose spawn areas to keep you from camping too. Very original :p
  5. The Coltonator

    The Coltonator Ancient

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    Looks fun, definate download for tommorrow, only thing, y a brown horse? Most knights ride white horses?

    Anyways 4/5, couldn't dl today, link won't work but favortided for dl in the am
  6. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Ok, can the knight eventually switch around with the horse? Because the horse might get bored just driving and wants to be the Knight. Or do they have to wait till next round to switch over. Also, if the knight is killed how do you get you knight to 'mount up' again?
  7. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    This seems like a new idea for a mini game. This could go a loooooooong way. I will be sure to download it.

    As for what I can see, it looks a bit simple. All you really did was block off and add teleporters and mongooses. I guess that it is the idea that counts.
    I really like the one stick grenade rule. It helps add more suspense to it. The swordis also really good, but I would add a gravity hammer. I can just imagine two guys getting launched then hitting the wall. In the future, I would make the settings different, and the gameplay more intense.

    KAMIKAZE M16 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Every round you switch off there are 5 rounds. You have one live per round so the winning team have to kill the horses too to end the round.
    p.s. I think it is more fun being the horse just my opinion though.

    you can only melee when you are on the back of the mongoose plus it ecourages people to cheat because of the radius of the gravity hammer.

    I just saw what you are talking about, I made this map before there were any pictures of the mythic maps at all so I made this before that thanks for the feedback I will interlock more on my v2 maybe even try geomerging this is basicly a prototype. Thanks again for telling me how to do the link I was wondering haow you did that.

    I changed one thing in the gametype, I changed the horses to be a black stallion because it looked weird having a horse ride a horse if you are on brown team and it was confusing to new people to the game who drove if they were on brown team.
    #8 KAMIKAZE M16, Apr 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2009
  9. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Hm, very similar to my map, The Hunt On Dragons
    . The theme is very similar with knights and horses(even the name is similar...), but mine involves killing a flying dragon with a sword. Oh well, nice one using VIP, that's new at least. Can't say it's exactly ORIGINAL... but 3/5, try interlocking next time, and maybe add some cover or use signs as banners for aesthetics or something.
    #9 Rifte, Apr 4, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2009
  10. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Its been done before..But its quite unique...Other jousting maps i see arent like this.
  11. KAMIKAZE M16

    KAMIKAZE M16 Ancient
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    It was originally white but everyone thought they were mice from tremor n' mouse or cat n' mouse so I changed them.
  12. KAMIKAZE M16

    KAMIKAZE M16 Ancient
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    when was it done before? if it was the one on sandbobox read my first sentence.
  13. KAMIKAZE M16

    KAMIKAZE M16 Ancient
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    Has anyone made a joustinging map on foundry? because that would make my map un-original yours is made on sandbox I made this before the codes for the mythyc map pack came out. By the way I like your map only one guestion it seems like you would have hit the banshee a lot of times and it would be easier to kill him without beng in a mongoose.
    #13 KAMIKAZE M16, Apr 4, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2009
  14. oDannyKellyo

    oDannyKellyo Ancient
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    this is so much better than the Jousting game that was 2 people charging to each other with gravity hammers. 5/5
  15. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Stop triple posting. This idea has been done before. This is basically Battle Joust in an arena. MLG Fear already made an arena on Foundry for this game variant months ago. This map looks simple minded and your quad posting is getting very annoying.
  16. KAMIKAZE M16

    KAMIKAZE M16 Ancient
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    I do not know whet you are talking about I haven't seen very many forge maps I just found forgehub on april first.

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