The humans are pushed to there final stand defend or destroy. this map is an infection based fort designed for fat kid style gametypes The Human Base Sighting on the Bridge Outside the fort Th Infection base inside the infection base I made this map a while ago and many of my friends enjoy it and hope you do to. Click here to download
to fix your pictures go to type in your gamertag and click upload and then post the "high impact halo" link here EDIT:Alright thanks for fixing them. To start off, it is a bit sloppy. And to make it up to forgehub standards, you need a better description of your map. but from what I can see, it looks alright. Its not very original, this sort of thing has been done plenty of times before, (bunkers) but you did give it a slight twist giving zombies weapons. You need to give a better description of your map, but from what I can see just neaten it up.
Sorry I don't really get it. Probably because I think I've only played the Fat Kid gametype like twice but...isn't it mainly for puzzle maps? Also, the interlocking looks pretty sloppy. Sorry if that sounds harsh. What are the humans defending? Oh ok I looked back through it and it makes sense now. I would say clean it up, but other than that, it looks alright.
lol the humans are defending them selves there isnt actually any interlocking either it was one of the first maps i did without it cause i didnt see any reason for it it doesnt have to be fat kid either it can be anything but thanks for commenting
This looks interesting. I havent seena wall and then a giant walkway above it before either lol. Tis' somewhat messy in some parts, which could affect gameplay, but proably not that much. And i noticed that there are turrets and snipes for the humans, kind of unfair, don't you think since the zombies die in one hit? 3/5
there is a speciffic gametype to go with it the alppha is seriousally strong with a rocket and snipe it takes about 5 headshots t down him his sheilds dont com back either and the zombies are ridicuousally quick and can drive vechiles but thanks for the comment