Total Games Played Leaderboard I finally broke into a leaderboard. I noticed some other famous people (I recignize them) above and below me, a.k.a. Dthen, Fritzster, LIGHTSOUT225, Bl00D F1R3, VICIOUS VICE, and even Insane54! I also see some of my friends on the list, too! (name links go to their HaloCharts profile, NOT their Forgehub profile) I wanna see what leaderboards you've made it onto, so post the link for any you've made here! :]
I'm famous? really? i just thought i was some dude that writes some articles here or there. You don't outrank me in Rocket Race though.
No offense, but ur not exactly famous, just made it onto one of their leaderboards. General tho? srsly? I couldn't believe it was you at first tho.
Haha, I have a lot of custom games and I get accused of custom boosting witch I find funny. This is pretty cool, nice find man. oh... my god.. 13th in Canada *****!!
#22 in the world for the mongoose #30 for the cone I lol'd when I saw I was #30 for the cone. I guess the hornet splatters came into good use.
I searched my name, did not my charts. I know I am on one, because my friend told me, but don't know where. How do I find myself without searching all 500..?
i really have look on alo charts ina while i think the lasttime i check i was like 150000 in the world lol not that good but it only goes by exp i just checked and im 56000 in the world not bad also im 2231 in griffball lol
Just went on HaloCharts: " is down for nightly maintenance from 3am to 4am. Its 3:00:17 am" Even though it's dead on 9am where I live... sadfaic. * * * * * * * * Yeah, I'm in a leaderboard! I'm 286th in the "Campaign: Friendlies Lost" leaderboard. **** yeah! I love campaign...
How do I find who played team mythic first? I clicked first 500 then mythic but it just brought to mythic exp.
I dont think you can find it by date, just stats. Cr0ok3d, of course you'd have a high k/d, what with that General acc of