Download Terminar Download Ghouls (Gametype) Introduction/DescriptionTerminar is an infection map that is recommended for around 8 players. It takes place on Guardian. If you don’t know what terminar means, it is “to end” in Spanish. Looks a lot like terminate which can mean “to end.” Zombies are trying “to end” the humans. I made this map because there aren’t as many Pre-dlc maps as there is of dlc maps. Also because I really like playing on guardian and wanted to have a fun infection map that everyone could enjoy. I think this map is best played with my gametype Ghouls. This gametype has zombies being fully invisible with swords. The humans have shotguns and hammers, but have limited ammo. They can pick things up things such as equipment that is hidden around the map. In the beginning of the game, 25% of the players start as zombies. Screenshots In the beginning of the match, the humans spawn in the blue room… ...And the zombies spawn at the walkway between the tree area and the spiral building. Here’s the bridge I made going from the blue room to the gold room. You can walk smoothly across it. Also, notice the power cores under the bridge; which of course, would cause the bridge to break if shot at. This is what it look like under the bridge. Notice the pallet in the corner. It hides the Deployable Cover and hides a spot where you can hide from the zombies. This hallway can make one of the best hiding places. It also hides the Flare that is in the back of this hallway. Also, where there used to be a hole above the back, it is now blocked by a pallet that you can destroy and fall down to this hallway. Here’s a view on the other side of the crate and barrels. In the back hides the Flare, behind the single crates. Here’s the gold room. You probably notice how the lift is blocked off. The lift may be blocked off from going up to the upper level of the gold room, but there are gravity lifts that you can use to get up. The main lift teleports you the tree area. On the blue room side, the lift to the spiral building is not blocked, unlike the tree area’s lift to the gold room. Here’s what the upper center of the map looks like. Notice on the spiral building there’s a pallet which is hiding a Radar Jammer (this can really change up the game). The tree area is pretty simple. The lift is blocked off. Can you see the teleporter hidden in the tree? On the zombie spawn side, here is what the spiral building looks like. There’s two power cores on the top half of the spiral building’s inside. Also, there is a trip mine hidden at the top left of the square-ish building part. At the bottom of the map is the maze-like area. I call it maze-like because you have to go around crates to get to the other side. Here’s where the gravity lift is, it can be very helpful. The drums are just for decoration Here’s the gold room side of the “maze.” The maze can really help for cover.
Wow, probably the best pre-dlc map to date. You really morphed guardian and changed it's geometry. The pallet bridge looks excellently made and I like how you blocked off the lifts. One question, did you only place equiptment or is their weapons scattered as well. I think the center top is a little to open even for the zombies being invisible. Right now I will give it a 4/5 but that couls change depending on the gameplay. Chow!
Great looking map man! Although i am a little disappointed.. I had the only guardian infection map here until this was posted. I am also disappointed that yours looks like it runs a lot smoother than mine as well. I love how you really morphed the maps geometry as posts have said above me. Although the only thing i have to complain about in your post is the shading in your pictures. It's a little bright/fuzzy don't you think? Well anyway i'll have to download this and see how it plays. Good job! ^.^
I just want to say that I am damn impressed by the way you put this map together. Very inventive on a map that is not Ideal for forging. Taking a great map and turning it into a great forge variant. Looks like fun game play with thought put into playability and aesthetics. well done. Id tip my hat to you sir (If i wore one).
Thank you everyone for the comments :] explorethegore, there aren't any weapons for the humans to pick up, but they can pick up the swords of the dead zombies. Also, because the middle is open, it makes it as a place you really want to avoid. bass forger, i actually think i got the idea of making a pre-dlc infection map from you. I looked at your map and i remember that i really liked it.
I'm not a big fan of making simple jumps, over accessible. The reason I learned g1-g2 was because I thought it would be useful, but if there is a gravity lift, it defeats the purpose. How cool would it be if 3 zombies corner you, but you g1-g2 and save yourself. But thats just my opinion. Instead of the bridge leading to blue, I'd suggest making it out of power cores, to make it narrower, and killing the person walking across it, instead of damaging. I understand it is hard to use maps like gardian, so ill give you a 4/5.
VERY NICE i love how you used guardian for an intense infection map im making a race track on it right now and it seems pretty promissing. anyways back to your map: great idea. i love it. im gona download it for it looks very intense
Lots of people are probably skeptics when it comes to Pre-DLC maps, but some of them simply haven't experienced a well forged one. What it looks like you've done here is bring back the spirit of a hard-forged map using all of those old techniques we've forgotten so much about. Brings back lots of memories of floating stuff on Last Resort! Anyways, it looks like you have a great casual zombies game here, and I hope everyone who downloads it has fun! I'd download it myself, but I'm almost full on maps as it is (In the process of building a map pack). I might give it a DL tomorrow after I clear some crap outa my map files.
dang dude im digging the non dlc!!!! this looks pretty good, especially since its a throwback on a non foundry map!! ill download and get back with you
nice job doing this on a pre-dlc map! looks like the best guardian map ive seen in a long time. i like the use of equipment. the only thing i dont see a point to is closing off the yellow lift if youre going to open up the ones next to it? overall, good map 8/10
Thanks. And i think i read that part of your post right, but the gold lift teleports you to the tree area. Not sure exactly what you're talking about. Time Glitch, thanks, and i really liked your post Morgan, thanks