Snowbound is Terrible!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by freezefry, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. freezefry

    freezefry Ancient
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    After every time I play a game on Snowbound, my dislike for it increases. I find it surprising that Bungie even passed it for matchmaking play; its almost like they never tested it out. For starters, the only fighting goes on underground; you never even see the outdoors part. I am sure that the gameplay would be pretty good if the only area was the outdoors. Next, the shotgun dominates the map. Once the other team gets the shotty, they automatically get 10 or so kills. There is no weapon that can match it. And finally, people camp in the bases. It is infuriating when you lose the lead, and you wonder around the map looking for some kills, and then 5 minutes later you find your opponents crouching in a base's rafters. There is just so much wrong with this place. Feel free to agree or disagree with me.
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Oh, suck it up, you big baby.

    I agree, but the only way I get around it is by not playing on it.
  3. preplook1

    preplook1 Ancient
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    i like hiding every once in awile... mixes things up a bit
  4. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    I like Snowbound. I have never really found that the shotgun on it is overpowering. Although I never play matchmaking so I wouldn't really know.
  5. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    I like playing Snowbound really don't understand why people just stay out of the underground when people are camping with the shogun.
  6. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    i think the map might really inprove if the shield doors wearnt there.
  7. Perfectdarkl33t

    Perfectdarkl33t Ancient
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    It sucks because that is the most played (and lost) map for me in Doubles and I love doubles and has my highest rank. The worst part of it is that whenever you veto it, the other team doesn't and you usually end up losing just because of some random sniper or the dominating Shotgun. They should have at least make ONE more open spot to the underground like the hole in the back shouldn't have a shield and pillars.

    I have to agree, it seems like they didn't even test out the map. Oh, and before Halo 3 came out they were saying in reviews that Isolation and Snowbound were "By far the best maps Bungie has come out with ever!"
    and that Construct "Many people won't like it compared to Snowbound and Isolation, everybody would most likely AVO!D this map."

    Well, they were sure as hell wrong in those asumptions.
  8. timmeh

    timmeh Ancient
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    Once you figure out where everything is, and stop rushing the shotgun guy hiding around the corner underground, snowbound can be fun. Of course, I may just feel that way cause I have a tendancy to be the irritating sniper in the background who doesn't exactly rack up kills but bugs everyone and never seems to die....... that or the ghost hogging little -blam!-.....

    All kidding aside, if they're camping underground, lob grenades through the hole. If they aren't in that area, go in through the big lift, throw some grenades, back out. The shotgunner is actually relatively easy to kill (and I figured this out yesterday.... which made me feel real smart, cause most of you probably thought of this the first time). Grab a sticky and crouch walk the big entrance. Have a friend run around near the hole so that he checks the radar and goes over there. Pop in when he starts to hide behind the corner, throw the sticky and laugh.

    The same tactic works when your having a sort of stare down with someone through a shield door, take the step forward, throw the sticky, and run. They will probably try a melee or shoot, but rarely does anyone think they'll get stuck be the guy they've been staring at for the past few second.

    Basicly, I think what I trying to say is that if you don't fall for the camping (I.E. Check he rafters before running below them...) you can survive in the open, and the map is loads of fun. Social Multi-Team, Crazy King is actually pretty fun cause all the hills are on the top and the bottom area is reduced to a spawning point and quick shortcuts.
  9. sham93

    sham93 Ancient
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    I love snowbound, it just a shame theres not many forge maps o it...I may do that now...
  10. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    yeah, Snowbound totally sucks ... whenever theres a majority Veto in most hoppers i end up playing a game on Snowbound.
  11. freezefry

    freezefry Ancient
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    HC Snowbound is actually a complete improvement. There is no shotgun, because the sniper took its place.
  12. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I don't understand all the whining about how much a map sucks based on the ability to shotgun camp. A shotgun, as I'm sure you know, is a close-quarters weapon. What else are you supposed to do with it? Snowbound is not a terrible map, it just requires a completely different strategy than the other maps. timmeh explained the perfect way to eliminate shotgun camping in the bottom level in TS. Besides, in FFA, if you get nailed by they guy in the bottom tunnel, you know where not to go next time and all you and everyone else has to do is stay away from there. He'll have to come out eventually if he plans on winning and -blam!-, BR/Sniper headshot and you get his weapon from him. It's easy to lure a shotgunner out from his hole; I've done it a few times and I bet I'm a crappier player than you.
  13. Biggles2

    Biggles2 Ancient
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    For me the shield doors are pretty much the only cover you get from the shotty guy, if you use them to your advantage you can kill the shotgun guy, the ghost and the guy with the overshield.
  14. VestigeL

    VestigeL Ancient
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    The Ghost really makes the match uneven. I hate the Ghost so I always destroy it (I don't use it either).
    The Shield Doors prevent the Ghost from coming inside and mowing you up :squirrel_shiftyeyes:
  15. E93

    E93 Guest

    1-You never see the top part, maybe because you don't go there? try going there and staying there for a change. People spawn up there you know... It's not deserted. e.g. Ghost
    2- The only reason the other team gets around 10 kills when playing w/ YOU and other noobs (not saying you are one) is becuase you rush down there and try taking them down yourself, which won't happen easily, specially in the tight cornerns of the underground area there. Wait for them to come up for a change!
    3-Theres no weapon that can match it? Are you kidding me? I mean, it is probably the easiest to kill with in short range distances, but even a BR could take it down, if you know how to use it...

    so just stop your whining.
  16. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
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    Just grab the beam rifle and no-scope the shotty camper
  17. Skill Caster

    Skill Caster Ancient
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    I don't know what playlist you're playing, but on Lone Wolves I feel the battles are equally everywhere. And I don't see why everyone hates it so much, I'm actually pretty good at it.
  18. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    yeah i hate snowbound too. once i was playing team slayer and snowbound popped up so i said "i hate snowbound!! everyone just camps underground!!" another guy said "ok then lets stay above ground everyone k?" so everyone did.. i got in the ghost and got vehicular manslaughter-my favorite medal! when we finished a guy on the other team said he would kill me if he ever saw me in a ghost again he would kill me. my team partied up, apparently his team did too, and the next round we met again on isolation where i hopped in the ghost again and the other guy like pissed himself. there is my story about how snowbound can be fun. otherwise it sucks

    P.S. how is rebound? ive downloaded it but havent tried it out. does it eliminate tunnel camping?
  19. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    How about you get better at Halo.



    No but, really. Like its not that hard if you can get your entire team to attack precisely and if you coordinate it right.
  20. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    the ghost can still get in through the middle hole for the cave because it has no shield door and whenever the ghost is underground it just gets owened.

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