Name: Slipknot Description: Put this in your file share if you are a true MAGGOT Download: Tell me what you think!
Well, I'm not a huge Slipknot fan, but this is really well done. I'm not sure how you managed to make it glow (I'm guessing red light orbs), but this is really awesome. Great job. 5/5, I'm a sucker for Forge Art.
MAGGOTS FOR LIFE!!! That's an amazing remake of the symbol, with the spikes and all. I'm DLing and putting it in my Fileshare now. 6/5
same here my friend lol I really like this. I am assuming it was placed in front of the sun or something? I have no idea honestly, but you got a really cool effect working with it. Nice job 10/10
Thanks for the reviews guys they are great! Guitarplaya the weapons are placed in front of 2 red light orbs. And i only had about 19 carbines and 8 beam rifles to build it with since that red glow only works with covenant weapons.
Jesus!!!!! This is the best letting picture that I have ever seen. It is perfectly aligned in everyway. Great job!
Beautifully made, with style, effect, and placement. I can't say I'm a real slipknot fan, though duality is a pretty tight song.
Wow thanks for the comments! i never thougt that this pic would get so many great ratings. And pandaman isnt this easier to read than this ? Stay (SIC)!