I didn't know you had a Forge Hub account. I commented on the video (One of the first), but I did not say "first!" :lol: We're really relieved that there is a new episode since it's been a long time since episode 9 aired. This video was so far the episode with the most undiscovered myths in my opinion. I never knew about the Isolation environment change, the lift problem with the mongoose and several others. Nice. The frogs were really creative btw. ROFL.
Before I watch this, I'm going to guess whether or not you took any of my suggestions. I'm guessing no. EDIT: I was right. But it was a good episode. Actually wait, I think I may have suggested the flood one. Not going for glory or anything, so correct me if I'm wrong...
w00t I suggested the one with the flag on isolation. Thank You very much for puttin my myth in . I also left a comment on your site. Great video!