>>Download<< When I first got Sandbox, I looked at the item palette and I really wanted to make a racetrack. I started on one in the skybubble, but I didn't really like it. It seemed to be lacking originality. So one day I went into Forge on Sandbox with the Guardians blocked off and I looked at the dunes. The idea for this track just sparked into my head. The first idea I had was to make the giant dune in one of the corners to be part of a racetrack. The rest of the track just evolved around that. It took around 10 hours to make. UPDATE One of the two kill balls has been moved to prevent cheating. This is not reflected in the pictures. This track uses the Racetracks gametype which can be Downloaded... >>Here<< >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------< >>Pictures<< Start First Straightaway Huge Dune Bank Turn Second Dune Turn Small Jump/Third Dune Turn Start of Huge Bridge/Fourth Dune Turn First Part of Huge Bridge Second Part of Huge Bridge/Second Dune Section Finish Line Overview of Track Tip: Use the shield doors. They are there for a reason. Hope you like it! Please comment and download. And if you missed it... >>Download Map<< >>Download Gametype<<
I love the great feature of this map It's totally awesome how the track goes from ground to the sky then back again! 5/5 for originality for this on sandbox! Too bad that I do not have it yet AnF
This is very well done but it looks if it is your first racetrack.Never should a driver have to stay on the ground for so long but I love the map anyways.The merges are awsoem and you did a lot of stuff correctly.Overall is 4/5.AWSOME map dude.Try to make more racetracks.
Why do you say that? Do you mean there should be jumps? Or do you mean that too much of the track isn't floating? If I had made the same exact thing that the part of the ground track is, and used objects to make it floating. It's not like it's flat ground or anything. Oh and this is not my first racetrack. Prism on my signature is also a racetrack. The kill balls are to prevent people from dropping off the track and cheating.
This is a really nice map. I love how you used the map to build the racetrack instead of just building one in the skybuuble. Their has been tons of racetracks in the skybubble and it is great to see someone use the normal level. I am defintnily going to download this map and get a good race going. Chow!
My God Do I Love Sandbox Racing Maps!!! They remind me of Containment modded maps that are floated. When I first saw the skybubble I was like HOLY ****! This really wants to make me start designing alot of race tracks. Very good track dude
Normally I don't DL maps when the author whores them out by sending em to me on XBL...but I did this time...probably because it was a race map. I've got to say I was impressed. But there are a few flaws I noticed when testing it out. 1) that "little jump" you've got in the pictures is rough. I don't know what you'll haveta do to fix it (geomerge maybe?) but everytime I hit it lost momentum and sometimes fell over, the track should be smooth, not bumpy. 2) the "huge bridge" turn is easily cheatable. You can just duck between the shield doors and drop down, circumventing the final turn and easily gaining the lead. More shield doors or barriers would be a quick fix. anywho, nice map, looking forward to a V2
This is actually very awesome map, I played it a few times, and I wrecked on dunes a bit, but over all this is a really awesome map, and you used Sandbox really well, great job, the kill ball scared me a few times too...lol
1) What I put there is better than the actual dune geography and that's the best I could do. I will try to geomerge it though. 2) I would've fixed that but I ran out of money and I don't know how to budget glitch the map. For now I guess you'll just have follow a few honor rules.
I have been making a track like this for three weeks and you have to go and take the originality claim... oh well. Now all I can do is make it better than yours. Although that doesn't mean I hate the track. It's not half bad. 4/5 P.S. Thanks for the temporary relief from the pain of the recent flood of absolutely horrible racetracks. I needed it. ForgeHub map quality has been diminished so low by Sandbox that I almost can't bear it.
Oh sorry. Can't wait to see yours. People haven't seen the full potential of the dunes just because they aren't flat. Completely agree with this.
Sent him a vid of exactly that. Had a mate driving the coarse normally and me taking the shortcut. Within 4 laps I was ahead of him but ****ed up my exit speed when dropping down before the finish line and went out of the track. Still had enough time to get back onto the track and shoot my flat mate with the pistol as he came around the last bend before the finish.
Where the kill ball is there are actually two there. If I moved one of the kill balls to the place where you can fall below... that would probably work and make it uncheatable. This is the only thing I can think of to help it be uncheatable seeing as I ran out of budget.
Looks pretty cool, I love when race maps use the actual map to create a great racetrack. The dunes in Sandbox are great for that.
oo i cant wait till Sandbox comes out. 7 more days and ill have race courses coming out the ying =) I like your idea of using the dune as a giant turn, its the perfect shape, although i thought you would be going down the giant dune, not up it. Anyways nicely done and good interlocking =)
this was very good gameplay, forging was great, but the killball is the only problem. but this map is what is going to inspire other forgers to make a race map on the 'dunes' of sandbox 4.5/5
UPDATE One of the two kill balls has been moved to prevent cheating. This is not reflected in the pictures.
Nice job. You're lucky you were the first to come up with the dune idea. Prepare for it to be stolen. My only problem with the map is it's cheatable, even WITH the killballs where they are. I suggest putting it where the 180° turn is after the bridge. Just try it, and tell me what you think.