Hey guys, I'm going to try to make a cool Case Mod for my 360 soon. As soon as I get the cash, I going to try to make some sick as crap graphix for my secksBox. I shall call it, the ZombieKillerBox. This is what I want it to look like: Wish me luck! (Tell me if I posted in wrong forum =( )
Yeah I hope to have it done by summer. My mom doesn't like it though. Too gory she says Too expensive she says. I'll show HER!
Yeah, you show her!! Doesn't look that hard. Apart from the window, the blood would be pretty easy, just et red paint and splatter it all over and press your hand to it for the hand print. Or better still use real blood
I think it'd go in gaming, actually. Even so, that is a pretty sick case mod, albeit simple. Personally, I'd use aluminum or some other metal for the case sides instead of Plexiglas, as it could be cut and painted to give off a Silent Hill motif, and could double-function as an additional heat sink for the device. Cool idea, though. ^_^