i am srry i had already post another one like this, but i got no replies so heres the story.........hey, im in a clan my friends and i started and we ned a good logo, here are some examples of what im talking about ( the clan is called Team Intense) 1st. Final Boss 2nd.Instinct our clan is called Team Intense, we are a jump/HLG clan, so plzz if u have a logo or pic like theses we can use, plzzz post! Thankyou!!!!!!!
just plzzz make one, and if anybody wants to help plzzzz do...pzzzzzz!!!(remember we r a jump/hlg clan called Team Intense!)
srry but like a logo, like the examples i have put out, but keep on searching, sort of like a clip art or something!
its good but srry, im looking for a clip art of something, like the examples i put up but it is nice i might use it, but i still need what im looking for!
hey, dont get mad, i still saved your pic. so then if there are no others, then i will use yours! 'plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' lol
well it needs to have a picture, cartoon or anything that represent jumping or hidding or both, know do u know the difference, sort of something just like example 2!! thats tight!!, but dont steal the pic or that would be frodding a clan!
Uhms. So, Instinct's has a representation of MLG? Okay, let's get off that subject. That sig you made for Grif, you spelt Edge wrong.. and you type like you're a little kid. are you like 11? or foriegn to the english language?
You didnt say anything about me. But whatever. What does plzz mean?\ Ima jump off this thread. It's just spamm