Garage Door By x MuG x Sh07 x This map was made by x MuG x Sh07 x(me) because I wanted to make a new switch map that hasn't been made before, and this is what I thought of. It wasn't easy to think because a lot of switches are already made so I had to think of a map that nobodys made before and I thought of this. I dont know if anybodys made anything like this yet because Ive been looking through the forums. Well enjoy the map! Hope you like it. Shoot fusion coils to activate garage. Pictures Overview Closer Overview Going up the driveway ["son activate the garage, thank you"] Going in Inside first parking spot. [ " Were home son" ] Out of the car Going to the daddy's basement [ "son stay up here" ] iNSIDE BASEMENT ["WHYD YOU FOLLOW ME DOWN HERE," dad said. "WOOOOOOAHH" Jack said. Inside Look What happens to fusion coils when shot Which makes doors open Wallah Teleporter from inside Leads to top of roof Enjoy the map! Comment, rate, and Review Download Garage Doors Here
Nice switch, i havent downloaded it yet, but i like the idea, if you could figure out how to make these doors close later on, this could be a great map if you could make it fully playable. Good luck in the future. 8/10
Shucks.. That would be fun. You should continue to look in he switches section to figure hat out! Good job.
Thats awsome! Ive always wanted to make a garage door. Ive always had to settle with a teleporter door (vehicles can drive through but people can't). I like you little story of the dad and son. The only additons I can see it having is having it close up afterwards. You could also replace the fence walls with upside down bridges. It would make the driveway look nicer.
I would change the fence walls to bridges but it would take up more time to size it up with the walls and thanx for the reviews guys. more maps coimg
This is really tite lookn. You could definatley make some crazy infection games with this added into a next **** Zombie map....currently working on "The Beginning"
well, good luck on putting this ina infection map... cough cough. you probabaly can if you could build aaround it somehow. THank sfor the review
wut if u put fusion couls held down by weap holders and just shoot them and they blow up the grav lift?