But I'll be at my dad's where I can't play them. On Sunday I'll take my plunge into the crypt and jump up to the sky bubble. I can't wait! PS: I don't like the main level
Mythic actually comes out in 7 days, April 9th, to the Xbox Live marketplace. They're already many threads stating the release date, it is unnecessary to have remind us. Many have the day marked on the imaginary calendar in they're minds. /thread
Um... you know it comes out on the forth right? Also, I can buy it from the computer. But play it on Sunday. To make this a better thread: Discuss what you will do one each map. EDIT: Grrr... Why did Bungie change dates.
Its so ironic that the maps release on my birthday, but I already have the maps so I can't ask for them as my present. Sadfaic.
New marketplace is only released on Tuesdays anyway, it when the marketplace updates. So it's impossible for content to be purchased pre-Tuesday, while it's still there. But, I'm fortunate to already have them in my possession. I was greedy enough to buy a code on eBay for $39.77. The maps are definitely worth it, as I'm sure everyone has heard. Each map brings a new aspect to the game, with its own unique element. I can't wait for the maps to be released to the public, to finally see the communities full potential. Also, this is somewhat irrelevant, but I had this error which scared me. Upon downloading the maps, make sure you're not at the 100 custom content limit already. If so, it will prevent the maps to be loaded on Halo 3, yet appear to be under Halo 3 Harddrive folder. I made this mistake, and it seriously scared the **** out of me.
I have a feeling that he knew that he spelled face wrong iTz HLG nOob. Also it IS April 9th. Fourth month, ninth day not fourth month fourth day
To all who STILL don't believe know it comes out of the 9th...you fail I'm sorry but really you do.. Bungie.net has stated MULTIPLE times it comes out on the XBL Market place April 9th..