WEll, here are a bunch of screenshots that i have taken of recon armour, i hope you like them =) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Okay, there they are, i do have more if you want to see them just ask and ill put them on.
I'm sorry dude, but 14 looked ridiculous to me, like seriously, take another look at it, and see if you change your mind.
give him a break freedom of speech : ] its not being negative commenting on what someone said and you thinking something different of it its having an opinion is what it is none of these screenshots look good to me at all and some of these have posted twice. and i agree with TheKeebobBobagawa pic 14. is nothing few recons driving in some warthogs.
the pictures are cool and all but the thing about doing recon pictures is like being paparazzi, you cant get your subjects to go into anycool poses easily and when the last of the mythic maps come out there will be recon pictures spreading the internet like wildfire. good job on the pictures though some of them are pretty neat
who's the recon guy you know? Cuz i know a few.. you can see in a few of my screenshots in my FileShare. <--- Check it out!
Well, its recon. The question is-where is the "and" ? There is nothing really special about this. Be creative! PS: Stalker!!!!!2!!
In spite of the pics good, most of them show some sort of attitude regarding thier pose or their surrondings. 17.8/20. personally I think recon is way to overrated.