Map: Phoenix Canvas: Sandbox Gametypes: Team, or one CTF, Team slayer and SWAT Weapons--- 2 ARs 6 BRs 4 Covenant Carbines 1 Rocket Launcher 2 Shotguns 2 Sniper Rifles 2 SMGs 2 Plasma Rifles 2 Needlers 1 Regenerator 1 bubble shield Description: A Temple that was long forgotten is now discovered by explores and later bought off by the UNSC to train their Marines. To begin I would like to thank all that help in testing this map, and lastly this map has took me a long time to make due to advanced forging techniques and I got distracted a lot since the advance forging got a bit boring, and I will also like to say that the map would be made for other gametypes if it weren't for an Object limit. Blue Base Red Base Middle Structure Blue Sniper spawn Red Sniper spawn Above 1st floor of Base Inside 1st floor of Base If you cannot tell I geomerged the double blocks into the wall if you can't see it in the pics. Hope you like the map! ~Wailingjam, Creator and Forger DOWNLOAD--- Phoenix
looks good for 6 on 6 CTF, it's pretty open , but not enough for vehicles, there is a lot cover which is good, i think it well made and smooth. good job 4.8/5
It's been seen, I'm sick of the downstairs forging, it's all been seen, I downloaded it and see that it ok. Forging and i am waiting to see if someone uses multi levels.. on the basement...
Great Job Forging. Everything is very clean. But as far as the lay out of the map. all a team has to do is br from the edge of the map make some different routes, objects, and structures to force more gameplay to the middle structrue. and i like the purple light in the middle good job on that! and the double boxs into the wall. thats the first time i have seen it done on sandbox! And some more pics would be nice. 4.2 out of 5
cool map but it has a similar design to some other maps done in the crypt. Just wondering, how did u geomerge the boxes into the wall, cause i still don't know how on sandbox
Helped you playtest it earlier today. It was a lot of fun, seemed pretty well balanced in 4v4 TS and CTF. I had a good time. The layout may seem pretty bland on this one, but the gameplay made up for it for me.
dude this looks like a blast! get it over to XF right away! *refreshes the XF tab* drat still not there! those bases in the corner are totally my style, man. And i love all the barriers on the ground floor. This looks to be a perfect and addicting SWAT map for sure. If you get any games going, make sure im there!
Wow, the layout looks great. I love the windows. This looks great for multi flag and 2v2. Great job. I love the look of this. Aesthetics could have been added, but this looks good. 8/10.
Thank you, it is much appreciated that I get constructive criticism and great ideas as well as compliments!
This is great looking. Very basic layout that ends up with great gameplay.. That is how i like maps and this makes the cut. Good job, keep forging 4/5
i gotta wait for the 9th... >=(. but this is one of the must have sandbox maps from what i see here. great job man i'll comment again when i try it out. 4/5
Wow, if there is a lot of players out there then I guess I could make my own Forging 101 thread to teach those who want to know how to geomerge on sandbox, I just got to make sure no-one else is doing it so I can make a thread about it.
this looks pretty good, especialy for a 4 on 4 ctf game, but it would not work out for snipers or swat because it is kind of open. perhaps consider making a v2 with maybe 1 or 2 extra side bases/structures for cover or strategy. good forging overall 4.25/5