I would have someone test the map first. Do not just put it on here. Go to the Testers Guild. They will help you. As for my opinion, I think it looks neat and tidy. Thats all I can say for now.
Go ahead and post, just make sure you post it correctly... Also, I doubt he would need the map tested since all it is is just a switch map. No body's going to be playing it unless someone adds on to the map.
It looks really neat and it doesn't need to be tested if it is just a switch map. Just make sure it works. Because that would suck if you posted it realizing that there was something else that needed to be added to make it work. But other than that it should be fine. I say go ahead and post it.
I'd go ahead and post it in the aesthetic map section. I wanna know how it works, it looks really interesting.