I would definitely do the last mission of the campaign if we could. I'd have a huge race. Every man for himself. If not, we'd play Smear the ***** and Nightfall and other fun shiznit.
I'd definitely want to have one, two, or ten epic games of multi flag (which I did back in the old days of Halo:CE with my friends). It would also be great to just play all sorts of different custom games that we've invented or we just enjoy. Lastly, I would want to get a group screenshot with each of us holding weapons of our choosing, which I've actually been trying to organize with people for a long time. We would also do another one with vehicles. I would be pistol guy and hog driver for each picture, respectively.
I would probably splatter all of them with a mongoose and get a killionaire with it. I remember doing that a few months ago, except with 10 people. For custom games related, I would probably play a big infection map or play on the smallest map I have.
You guys have some interesting ideas. But what about gametypes? Do you think there's something that would only be fun with 16 people, like the Juggernaut game I mentioned in the OP? (Shock Theta, you came into this thread, but didn't post your own thoughts?)
I would color code half of them red and the other half blue. Then I would make them attack each other in an endless and pointless CTF game on Beaver Creek in a game first to ∞ with ∞ rounds.
I've been wanting to get a picture of oen guy getting stuck by like 10-15 sticky greandes at teh same time for FOREVER
i would probably play an 8v8 flag or somthing, somthing that takes teamwork not just going out there and kiling people or i would just play simple infection
8v8 MLG TS v6 on Standoff... Competition at its highest level. EDIT: Whoever said play FFA on Distortion is crazy. People would probably get sick. That would be ridiculous